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Book Reviews
by Andrea Garvey

Lessons from the Miracle Doctors
by Jon Barron
Jon Barron’s central premise is “your body has a blueprint for health.” It is incumbent upon us to optimize our overall health, allowing the body to perform the function it was designed to do – repair itself. While the focus of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, is on prevention, Barron also delineates a course for reversing the symptoms of all major health problems/diseases faced today.

Compiling information from doctors who have facilitated “miracle cures”, Barron provides a thorough description of vitamins, diet, antioxidants, detoxification, and exercise, and in a chapter entitled, “The Thought that Kills,” describes how our thoughts and emotions affect our health. Also offering direction for smart supplement shopping, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors is a valuable and practical guide.

A New Reformation
by Matthew Fox
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” observed Historian, Lord Acton following the Declaration of the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility by the First Vatican Council in 1870. Outraged and saddened at the current state of the Christian church, Matthew Fox, former Dominican Priest, seeks A New Reformation. Fox sees two churches; “one that worships a punitive father and teaches the doctrine of original sin, the other recognizes original blessing from which all being derives, preferring trust over fear.”

Following Martin Luther’s lead, Fox compiled a new set of 95 theses or “Articles of Faith” and posted them on the very same church upon which Martin Luther nailed his call to reformation in 1517. The first half of the book contains compelling background and historical information explaining why we find ourselves in this current situation of cover-ups and abuses within the church. The second half of the book contains the Theses whose purpose is to provide guidelines for evolving religion in the new millennium. As Thesis #11 tells us “Religion is not necessary, but spirituality is.”

Journey By Night
A Solitary Journey

by Louise Teresa StrongBear
In a genre called “Visionary Fiction” Louise Teresa StrongBear takes us on a journey that often seems much more real than fictional. Through the use of “magic, miracles, power animals, angels, witchcraft, shamanism and shapeshifting,” Louise reminds us that all journeys are sacred.

This tender adventure recalls the magic and wonder we knew as children, taking us into realms we have long since forsaken. We first learn how to find those lost parts of our souls and then how to heal and welcome them back, integrating into more complete beings. As we journey courageously into those hidden places within ourselves, facing our fears, feeling our pain and allowing our hearts to break, we are able to return to our daily lives vibrant, glowing and whole. We can embrace the deep understanding that all life is connected and the outer world is but a reflection of our inner world. A beautiful and healing story.

Andrea Garvey is Creations’ co-pubisher as well as a yoga instructor and singer/songwriter. You can contact her at 631-424-3594 or by email at: Andrea@creationsmagazine.com.