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Talking Our Walk
From the Editors

Live simply so others may simply live.

What better time then now to apply this principle? For many, ‘tis the season of “materialistic mania,” when consumerism is at its most conspicuous. But it needn’t be that way. Diane McCurdy advises us to Stop the Holiday Spending Frenzy by listing sane solutions for enjoying a stress free holiday season. She tells us it’s OK to break with tradition and create something new. In lieu of a store bought gift, offer a coupon for a service like babysitting, washing the car or cooking a dinner. “The gift of our time can be the best gift.” And, after all, the fun and joy of the holidays is in spending meaningful time together with those we love and helping those in need.

Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) a 20th century yoga master, shares a basic practice for bringing joy into our lives: Keep It Simple! In Simplicity is the Key to Happiness, Yogananda explains that happiness eludes most people because they seek it outside themselves through materialistic pursuits. Happiness remains ever elusive no matter how much we may “own” or how many desires we may fulfill. We will not experience true contentment until we cultivate happiness within.

Our ability to let our experiences flow into and out of our lives helps us to let go of suffering and leads us to joy. Brandon Bays talks about attachments to the things we identify with – our lifestyle, job title, spouse, etc. The Gateway to True Freedom lies in accepting that everything in our lives is a precious gift on loan. There is no real ownership of anything (or anyone) on this planet.

Last issue, we discussed the Law of Attraction. This time around, Sandra Taylor explains another aspect of attraction: The Law of Paradoxical Intent. Obsessing over what you do not have only draws more lack. Desperation for something desired creates a repulsive vibration that pushes away the situations and people you want to come your way. Therein lies the paradox: By virtue of the strength of your opposing energy, you attract the opposite of your intention.

A central message from Yogananda, Bays & Taylor is to remember to express gratitude and appreciation for all the good fortune you have in your life right now. Cherish your loved ones each and every day.
Give Peace a Chance-Now! What a concept—and not solely reserved for the holiday season. Christine Clarke informs us there are currently two bills in Congress and the Senate, which if passed, will establish a United States Department of Peace and Non-violence. Sounds pretty incredible-and liberal. So please embrace peace by supporting the passage of this historic and potentially world changing legislation.

Peace & Thanks,