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with Sudhir • Queensland, Australia


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
Feel yourself coming gently down to earth. The leaves and branches, soil and undergrowth, ate your metaphor for now. By getting your hands dirty doing what you love, life reveals its secrets to you. The mundane is the most miraculous. Celebrate it unashamedly.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
Jupiter continues to step through your domain, bringing with him an interesting journey of expansion. Jupiter reveals the places where we hold ourselves back by puffing ourselves up. Venus is also on hand to take you for a wild love ride, adding to the process.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
Your whimsical wish for peace, love and harmony, has the paradoxical effect of bringing any intensity that has been hiding in the basement, up to the surface. The balance you wish for needs to be real. Real wishes come true. Warmly welcome the expansion you’ve invited.

CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22)
Get passionately on board your wish for the exotic, the distant and the different. It’s only by moving actively with the current, that you will take yourself to new places. It’s a lived adventure that will carry you where you want to go, not an imagined one. Go for it.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Life doesn’t let us rest for long. We are here for the business of transformation, alchemy. Sit on your deckchair for as long as it lasts, but when change comes, be ready for it. Find the common thread that runs through both comedy and drama. This is your passion for truth.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
As you take time out to reflect, so you sift and sort your way through a variety of emotions. As you learn to focus less on the problem and more on the solution, so your inner resources start revealing themselves. Introspection leads you to find and express new strength.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
Venus, the capricious Goddess of Love, invites you on a wild and many splendored rainbow of adventure. One minute the seas are calm. The next you are in way past your depth. Then, just when you think you can’t handle it, life throws you to truth, then solid ground.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Existence sends you a range of visitors. As you meet each one and offer them your friendliness and intimacy, you are changed and so are they. Contact equals being alive. And to be alive is to be constantly unlearning, being open, vulnerable and growing. Embrace this.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Life is sending you on a preparatory journey. The whole message is, ‘get ready to shine’. Preparation entails sorting out whatever it is that is in the way of you moving at full gallop. Clear both physical and emotional obstructions. Then, feeling light, you’ll fly.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Communication is the most transformative act you can engage in. By telling your story, you get to see your story. You also find out who is in tune and onside, and who is not. A seed is capable of cracking a rock with the simple power of its lust for life. Be that seed.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Unfinished business that seems like it has been taking forever to clean out, gets cleared out. The pace of essential change seems incremental but it is thorough. You won’t have to be going through this again. Your longing is your guide. Keep following it home.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
The very place where we are wounded, is where we are given the secrets of healing. Hold back the habit of complaint and look again. The word respect means to look again. Give whatever is unfolding your full respect and it will always shower you with deep secrets.

Sudhir is an astrologer and writer specializing in an experiential form of astrology that makes it digestible for both devotees and skeptics. He offers Experiential Astrology workshops on request. Contact him at: blisswisdom@yahoo.com.au and visit his website: www.astrospice.com.

© M.J.Dean 2011