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ENTERTAINING VIBRATIONS: A New Paradigm In Entertainment & Education
by Caroline Cory



Heart surrounded by musical notesLike many, I have long awaited for the emergence of meaningful content in entertainment that would enhance our spiritual life, support our consciousness expansion or simply stimulate our senses in a holistic manner.

There has been a definite rise these past few years in documentaries and other media platforms addressing important issues that had gone unnoticed for a long time – human trafficking, women’s rights, the human impact on the environment, the corrupt financial or governmental structures – to name a few. While I hold much admiration and feel grateful for these courageous beings who are emerging as pioneers in bringing awareness and instigating action on these important topics, something in my viewing experience always left me in a state of quandary. Why, with the meaningful contents that are close to my heart, am I still left with a sense of uneasiness and an awkward, somewhat negative sensation in my body? I soon realized that the powerful content was somehow missing an important component that, to this day, remains largely misunderstood: Energetic vibration.

If all existence is energy, manifesting in one form or another, then it follows that our physical body and physical brain are also a form of energy. Imagine, if you will, your body as a form of energy, made of tiny particles of light, moving about freely but always maintaining the shape of a body. These particles are pure energy, which, by definition, has a vibrational nature and functioning, emitting a vibrational “auric” or magnetic field. This means that other forms of energy -– including an art form, a film, a story in a film – would also have a vibrational field that would interact naturally with that of your body. Therefore, in addition to the content of the story, which dictates how you process the information from a cognitive or intellectual standpoint, there is an invisible vibrational exchange between these two forms of energy: the story and you. This energetic exchange is called vibrational entrainment which, as you may notice, has an interesting semantic similarity to the word “entertainment”. It is this vibrational exchange between the two energies that alters the energy particles of your body.

Wonder no more why your children are so greatly influenced by entertainment! Now you know. Their energy field is absorbing and retaining new content energetically in addition to the cognitive input, to the point of altering their DNA and eventually their personality and behavior. This vibrational exchange is therefore not an unusual or unexpected phenomenon of nature. It is simply a misunderstood and largely neglected process and one that is difficult to convey to a human population that does not comprehend the nature of energy in general, a thing it cannot see.

So, why can’t we create meaningful content, transmit deeper messages, and increase awareness using the basic functioning of our true nature: Energy & vibration? And there lays my second quandary: how do we explain or prove the energetic impact of an outside source on our being? More importantly and perhaps more necessary: how do we create a new form of experience based on these fundamental principles, combining content with the energetic impact in perfect balance?

If we could create a form of vibration and energy that would hold the shape of the character in a story, in a film for example, then the energetic exchange between the viewer and the character, story and film would accompany the intellectual message perfectly and carry the meaning of the message even deeper into our consciousness. There would be no conflict between the naturally occurring energetic exchange and the content being conveyed. The final outcome and effect will unquestionably be pleasant and positive.

With this objective in mind, I dedicated the last few years for the creation of a new form of “Experiential Entertainment.” I created new tools and formats that allow the human experience and spiritual evolution to be supported in an intelligent and coherent system based on the principles of the universe.

This new created media conveys the information energetically in addition to the content. Each aspect of the material being created involves a conscious selection of energy forms calibrated to a frequency that raises the viewer’s vibration and allows instant coherence with universal consciousness. That includes the text, colors, designs, animation, music and sounds as well as each individual involved in the production from beginning to the end. Because of the balance now existing between the intellectual content and the energetic vibration that accompanies it, what ensues at first is a profound experience allowing you to switch from the linear mind to full brain capacity and awareness. The experiences that follow will range from a sense of relaxation to extraordinary connection and blending with the Divine.

I am convinced that the future of entertainment lies in such methods because they would be based on universal principles rather than the human-made ones. To me, this would be transformational entertainment at its best. I hope you will agree and begin to create for yourself new ideas and projects using this awareness of a new paradigm platform, based on the human and the universe’s coherence and infinite potential.


Caroline Cory
Caroline Cory is a futurist, visionary author and spiritual teacher of consciousness studies. She is the founder of OMnium Media and the OMnium new education systems. Caroline will be presenting a Multimedia Event, which includes the screening of her film “I Am The Universe, I Am Love” in New York City on October 24th at 7PM. For more details and to register, go to www.omniummedia.com or call 1.561.536.6446.