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Dimension Hopping
by Jill Mattson • Yorktown, PA


Modern science has finally caught up to Ancient Shamans and Intuitives throughout time, in acknowledging that there are many other dimensions surrounding us.

Higher dimensions are all around us, some only inches from our touch. Most people cannot sense or reach alternate dimensions in their ordinary lives, however, it is possible to contact and even impact dimensions beyond our own!

Let's backup a bit. I have read a lot of the cutting edge, higher Physics material discussing the scientific, theoretical basis for the existence of higher dimensions. It is "hairy" and difficult stuff. After much effort, I believe the scientific case boils down to this: at the simplest level, scientists have found that it is necessary to postulate extra dimensions (as many as 12 or 13 total dimensions) to reconcile the math and make sense of the best current theories on the origin of, and nature of our universe. Said differently, after hundreds of years of experiment and reflection by the best minds in history, we have arrived at a view of the universe that says there are far more dimensions than the three space and one time "D's" that we all know.

In junior high science and geometry we learned about the world's dimensions and the theory behind them. The three space dimensions that we are familiar with can be referred to as length (L), width (W) and height (H). If you want to know the volume of a cube you multiply the length of one side times the width of another side times the height of the third side: Volume = L x W x H. Each of the linear dimensions are one "D" - think of a line. Multiply two linear dimensions and you get 2-"D" or a plane. When you multiply three linear dimensions as above you get our 3-"D" world. We also often add time as the fourth dimension because all of the 3-D objects move and interact "in time".

3-D Cube 2-D Plane

It’s an interesting exercise to contemplate the possibility of beings who might live in a lower dimensional reality. For a 2-"D" universe we have Flatland, a famous world where the inhabitants lived on a sheet of paper. We could put our face inches above the Flatland world and the people living there would have no clue of our existence. Seems simple right - well that is exactly how our 3 D universe appears to beings who reside in a higher dimensional reality. Only special humans have been able to reach the higher dimensions throughout time. Mystics, clairvoyants, Jesus and Buddha, all achieved their wonders by tapping into a higher dimensional realm.

I would argue that our "future selves" reside in a higher dimension. You have probably heard that advanced beings "vibrate at a higher frequency" than we do; we just cannot detect them. I believe this is just another way of explaining the presence of higher dimensions and the presence of a vast unseen world with divine beings that we know exist. (My mother and my guardian Angel are no doubt standing right next to me) watching me writing,)

Today it is well documented that people skilled at meditation can attain powerful states of mind to access special information. They obtain energy and information from higher dimensions. You can gain energy, hence power and information – answers to your questions, divine insights, work miracles.

Energy can flow through dimensions – in both directions! One can go to higher dimensions and retrieve information – just as the Ancient Shaman did while in trance states for the tribe. One can also go to other dimensions and leave information.

I have always been very intuitive, and as a result many times I experienced a very disturbing feeling, only later to clairvoyantly see snippets of a past life (presumably going on now in another dimension), which was the root cause of my bad feelings. For example, drown in a previous life? Chances are you are terrified of water next time around. There is bleed through from one dimension to another. It benefits us now to bless ourselves in the past and future – and in other dimensions. It is in the interest of the future, "higher dimensional you" to help with a current problem that you are struggling with in today's 3-D world. This makes me think that prayer energy creates a porthole to higher realms. When I pray, my energy reaches “future me" and future loved ones who can send back energy to help me. Bless the past and future and all your family and friends (and not-so-friends) with forgiveness and gratitude.

Gathering energy from other dimensions is known as mediumship. What I am talking about could be called reverse mediumship. You can leave energy in higher dimensions that is beneficial for yourself and others. The implications and potential benefits of this "dimension visiting" are staggering.
As an example of how energy can reach across dimensions I call on my background in Music and Sound Vibrational Healing: music can transfer energy through resonance and harmony; and music can interact with and alter subtle energy. Listening to peaceful, uplifting music alters our brainwaves, our emotions even our physicality. Our musical preferences are carried forward from an old life to a new one. The Ancients knew these things as they used Music for a powerful force in all spiritual aspects of their lives, and as conduit to other dimensions.

For 25 years, Jill Mattson has researched Vibratory Energy for healing and a wide array of remarkable uses. She has written 3 books on her special area: Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Mattson composes and produces her own Sound Healing CD's; her Deep Wave Beauty  won a silver COVR award for best specialty CD. JillsWingsOfLight.com