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Are You Willing to Take Responsibility forYour Life?
by Salena Migeot • Southampton, NY


It is in the highest good that you consider yourselves co-creators of everything that exists in your life. You bear responsibility to some extent for every single thing you experience. If it were not a part of your thought process, it could not exist for you.

We repeat, and repeat, and repeat that your thoughts create your reality and many of you repeat and repeat and repeat that you are less than, you are not worthy, you are fat, you are sick. Some of you even think you are beyond help! We say with great love and great caution: Please be more mindful of your thoughts! — not only more mindful than you have been in the past, more mindful that your thoughts are powerful tools used to build every part of your reality – every relationship, every conversation, every accident, every illness, every work assignment, every paycheck, every failure, every disease, every gray hair, every kind of pain, every argument, every betrayal, every everything that exists in your life. Your thoughts also create every kiss, every loving embrace, every smile, every meeting, every sound of laughter, every “good” idea, job, athletic performance, every sunrise and sunset, and anything and everything else you can think of.

Do you want to eliminate mediocre from your life? Imagine/See/Visualize yourself excelling in every area you would like to excel in. Begin with one aspect of your life – parenting, spousal relationship, or selflove are excellent choices to begin to excel in. When you master any of these, it will have a ripple effect throughout all of your relationships and therefore all areas of your life. When you embrace all those things that you previously thought you weren’t good at and know that you have as much potential as anyone else – as long as your thoughts are in alignment with achievement in that area, you can develop that skill until you experience expertise in that area of your life. There are very few exceptions to this. If you have a fear of skiing or just never tried it or never thought you would be good at it, is it something you think you would enjoy doing if you could not fail? If so, are there other things that hold a higher priority for you that you know you would enjoy doing if you could not fail? See yourself excelling in that area and experiencing all that would lead to – celebration, acknowledgement, congratulations, people seeking you out to learn from you, ever increasing thrills as you increase your mastery, the knowing that you can use the same principle to master another area of your life, and then another until you are truly mastering the art of life.

There is no one that can prevent you from experiencing success except you. You are your own master and no one else can claim power over you unless you allow it. If you are giving your power away to others by saying to yourself, “She/He won’t love me unless I do this. I’ll get fired if I do that or don’t do this. My job is more important than my happiness. My career is more important than my health. My health is something I can be more vigilant about when I retire.” All of these are erroneous thoughts and have no basis in reality except the reality you create through these thoughts.

To the extent that you tell yourselves you will take care of your health, your relationship with your children/siblings/ parents, your debt, your weight, or anything else AFTER you have more time, make more money, accomplish this or that, you are postponing your own joy. There is no time but the present because in the dimension you are evolving into, there is no time and therefore, there is only the present. To the extent that you postpone, you are denying yourself the ability to move into a higher dimension. For those of you to whom this is a completely foreign concept – seemingly too beyond your current level of comprehension as “reality,” we invite you to simply contemplate the possibilities we are seeding in you through these messages.

What if it were possible to create whatever you choose through your thoughts? How would your life be different? What if it were possible for your thoughts to impact all of existence? How would you use that power? What are your intentions for your life and all life around you? Do you want to hold a vibration of creative possibility or a vibration of fear and lack? Do you understand the difference? Are you willing to take responsibility for your life and for your part in all of the ills of the world? Do you realize that world peace can be achieved when you know in the deepest part of your being that it is so? Do you know that if all of you reading this took that concept into your knowing, you could collectively make a powerful shift in this direction. It does not have to be all of you meditating on that concept at the same time on the same day – although that would be very powerful.

You are powerful enough in your own being to affect the whole and the more of you who are in alignment, that power becomes exponentially greater. We are not revealing anything that has not happened to some extent already, and in truth happens every day in small ways. We are hoping you will take this into consideration to create large (and from our perspective very necessary) changes every day. We invite you to simply consider what the world will be like when there is no reason for war, no power struggles over land or money or resources. Remove that and there is no reason for war. War has nothing to do with patriotism or national security or any threat whatsoever. War is a construct designed to keep you in a lower vibrational state that will be impossible when you see through the ruse you have been led to believe threatens your safety, security, or whatever else you believe people shooting each other half way across the world protects for you.

Soon it will be unconscionable to all of you to kill innocent civilians. It will also be unconscionable to send soldiers to war to kill and die when it will become more and more apparent that the only winners are those who control the resources and the losers are all those who gave their lives for others’ gain. So we invite you to envision a world where resources are accessible and available to all. That is the way it was always meant to be. That is the way it will be again when you can embrace not only that possibility but that reality. You and your ability to use your thoughts for the greater good are the most precious resource that exists through all dimensions. Each of you affects the whole and your collective choices affect other worlds beyond what you can currently conceive. If you believe there are threats to your safety and security, there are. If you believe you are free, sovereign beings whom no one else has any power over, you are. Use your thoughts rightly Dear Ones, and manifest world peace. You have the power. And so it is. With ever so much love, this is A Channeled Message from The Collective of Guides.

Salena Migeot is an Energy Medicine and Reconnective Healing Practitioner. She travels throughout the Northeast and to Sedona, AZ, to do channeled readings at psychic fairs, and is on the Board of Trustees at Rowe Camp & Conference Center in the Berkshire Mountains in Rowe, MA. Salena channels “A Message from Your Guides” every few weeks and e-mails them to an ever-growing list of readers for free. If you would like to be added to the list, e-mail her at Salenam2@msn.com with “Guides” in the subject line. To arrange a reading, you can e-mail her or call her at 201-314-6960.