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Ancient Indian Holistic Wisdom: Treating the Root Cause of All Dis-ease
by Vera Kaur


Person in yoga pose in front of sunThe human body is a latticework of energies, vibrating at different frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It has been perfectly created to function optimally, providing we observe the laws.

When we divert from these laws through breathing polluted air, eating food far from its natural state, drinking chemical-laden water, ingesting toxic medication, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using inorganic body and household products, being exposed to electromagnetic pollution and even thinking negative thoughts, energy imbalances result within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, creating dis-ease.

The symptoms of our dis-ease are merely the body’s innate method of correcting the imbalances within, to allow us to return to our natural state of wholeness.When we attempt to treat our dis-ease through the administration of medication, we are merely temporarily suppressing the symptoms. We are not addressing the root cause of our dis-ease. The medication causes further imbalances, disrupting the body’s natural immune system, which is rarely given the opportunity to fulfill its role.

Over a period of time, our initial dis-ease re-appears with more serious symptoms, our body, once again is attempting to correct the imbalances within, to restore the healthy flow of energies. Our new symptoms are diagnosed as a new dis-ease, stronger medication is administered and the vicious cycle continues.

The traditional energy healers of India had a wealth of knowledge on how to diagnose, treat, and cure dis-ease by natural methods, and through the generations, a great deal of this ancient wisdom has been kept alive.

Ancient Self-healing practices include:

Diagnosing and treating the root cause of dis-ease, by applying intermittent pressure on areas of the hands and feet that correspond to specific glands, organs, nerves, etc. This regulates the vital energy within the body part, empowering it to function optimally.

Balancing the vital energy throughout the body by joining different combinations of the fingers and thumbs. This allows the elements to regain equilibrium to encourage our body’s natural healing response.

Controlling the breath by different techniques, to increase the vital energy within the body. Our breath is the life force that flows through each cell of our body, and by expanding our life force, we can harmonize with the life force of the universe.

Quiet the body and mind through awareness, to enter a deep state of tranquillity. This allows us to re-connect with our true selves, to release negative thought processes and deep-rooted emotional pain to experience inner peace and contentment.

Repeating a mantra (word or sound) to detach from the external world, bring our awareness to the present moment, to experience the essence of our being. This resonates with the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our body to awaken our latent healing energies.

Applying specific colors to the body to heal imbalances. Each color possesses its own unique energy vibration and carries its own healing property. Color can be absorbed by our body through our chakras by sunlight, water, the earth’s natural stones or visualization.

Placing the earth’s stones within the body’s magnetic field, to restore the flow of healthy positive energy within and around the body, by removing toxic, negative energy. Each crystal possesses a unique chemical make-up that determines its healing property and appearance.

Barefoot Walking
Walking on natural earth, barefoot to draw upon the unique energy source that lies within the earth. The earth is composed of minerals and its energies resonate perfectly with the body’s energies. Walking barefoot charges the entire being with the vital healing force of the universe.

Yoga Asanas
Physical postures, each of which has specific physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits to unite the body, mind and soul. As our physical body becomes relaxed, flexible and open, this promotes a similar effect on our mental and emotional body.

Healing Visualizations
Creating positive images of healing within the mental body, which allows the emotional body to respond by becoming receptive to healing, which subsequently initiates the healing process in the physical body. Our body and mind are intricately connected, which allows our thoughts to have a direct influence on our physical health.

In today’s fast-paced world, as we strive to create balance within our bodies and harmony within our lives, we can benefit enormously from these ancient selfhealing practices to instill physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.



Vera Kaur is of Indian origin. She grew up with holistic therapies and lived in the ashrams of India, where she observed the practices applied by the traditional energy healers. Vera would like us all to be empowered with this ancient wisdom, to take responsibility for our own health and wellbeing. Through her dreams and meditations she was guided to write her book, Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Disease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies. www.verakaur.com.