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You Hold the Answers
by Cynthia Clark


two heartsBelieve it or not, the answer to many our life’s challenges lie in a very conspicuous place, but it’s a place where virtually no one looks, or even realizes there are answers found there. This place is located on your very own body – your hands.

Your hands are so much more than two appendages that help you manipulate your environment. Your hands are the road map to your very soul. Your hands have a greater connection with your brain than any other part of your body. The neural pathways of your brain are mimicked through the lines of the hands and these lines ebb and flow just as your life does. Colors in the palm reflect emotional activity. Fingers and fingernails can depict stress and even illness.

So how can you become more peaceful by knowing what your hands are trying to tell you? Your hands not only tell you about stress and challenges, they also tell you how to find your own pathway to peace. Let me tell you a little story.

I was at a point in my life where I had no direction. I had just sold my restaurant that I operated in southern Utah for the past seven years and was feeling like my old life didn’t fit me anymore. I didn’t realize it consciously, but my soul was searching for a pathway. For several months I felt lost, confused and stressed. One day I decided to go to the library and find a nice book to read. I have always enjoyed reading and learning new things and libraries and bookstores are wonderful places of discovery. This particular day at the library led me to the metaphysical section where I picked up a book on palmistry. I had never studied it before and decided to give it a try so I checked out the book. When I took it home and started reading it, something changed within me. I had a profound sense of déjà vu, like I had studied the material before. But why was it so important?

As my studies continued, I began sharing information that I had learned with family and friends. And do you know what I discovered? As people learned something about themselves, they felt validated. This validation made them feel better and more peaceful. Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” We may think we know ourselves, but if we’re stressed out, we’re not actually in touch with that true part of ourselves, the part that rests in the stillness of our inner being.

There is an aspect of hand analysis called chirognomy where measurements are taken of the palm shape and fingers. This shape forms on our hands by the time we are about six years old, when our brain is developing into more adult-type patterning, and I refer to the variations as personality archetypes. When we understand our archetypal influences, we can then live more authentically, which brings us more peace. It is also a fantastic tool to understand others better too. I have learned to have much better patience with people after looking through this lens of understanding.
There are 22 personality archetypes that can be identified through the hands. Each one is based off the primary elements of fire, air, earth and water. There are combinations of these elements as well as finger measurements. Each of the fingers is named after a Roman God and represents a different aspect of our self. The index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is Apollo and the little finger is Mercury. Depending on your primary element and dominant finger will affect who you are from a subconscious level. For example, the combination of a fire hand, which is short fingers and a rectangular palm, with a dominant Jupiter finger yields the archetype, the “Chariot.” If you are a Chariot, then you know you are happier and more fulfilled when you are busy and setting high standards for yourself. It’s good for you to be in charge and set an example for others. If a Chariot doesn’t have anything happening, she can become impatient or simply add more to her to-do list. But this fulfills her and she is very capable of handling many tasks. It’s always a good idea to get a Chariot to help you finish things.

Not only do the hands tell you about your personality tendencies, they can also guide you in appropriate work, compatible relationships, talents and potentials, how you present yourself, how you feel about yourself and how to better relate to others. May the wisdom of your hands bring you peace this holiday season and long thereafter.


Cynthia ClarkCynthia Clark

Cynthia Clark is a hand analyst expert and intuitive life coach. She has helped thousands of people find peace and joy through exploration of their hands and recently published the book, Stories in Your Hands: Discover Your Authentic Destiny Using Palmistry & Tarot. She does readings worldwide and can be reached at www.worldofhands.com.