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New Relationship: New Life
by Lorri Salluzzi • Bellmore

He was just a boy. It was difficult to tell just who he was at the time, disguised in dirty clothes, royal blue hair and sloppy, broken shoes, but his smile was genuine. He didn’t smell all that bad.
"His name is JP! Can we keep him, Mommy?"

My daughter, Toni, met him at the Pride for Youth meetings, a youth group for gay & bi, and "gay & bi friendly." JP is homeless. His mother is a principal and very educated. She threw him out. Now, I was being asked to keep him!

Here was another on-the-spot event in mothering for which there was no training manual! Thank God, I am psychic. I meditated on it. I could not imagine this adorable young man sleeping in urine covered train stations with other homeless men and women one more night. If this had been my son, I would have wanted someone to take him in. I told myself this over and over. Still, I wondered why his mother had thrown him out into the cold winter streets of Long Island. I imagined this was some sort of a "tough love" tactic about which I knew nothing. It worried me a bit. What would his mom do to me when she found out I spoiled the plan? I went with the guidance I got from the higher powers and said, yes, he could stay with us.

He desired to be helpful and immediately took over the chores involving our three dogs and the dishes. These were things he could do. He attempted to help with numerous tasks around the house with zest and enthusiasm. His good humor overrode any shortcoming of skill. He was learning about life. JP loved to talk to me about my work and became fascinated with Reiki healing the day he broke his finger. Toni treated him immediately with Reiki and his finger healed overnight. (He was eventually initiated up to Reiki II.)

His thirst for Spiritual Knowledge began. I started giving him books to help his depression and self-esteem. He loved The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra and The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. He read many of the books he found around the house. Harry Potter was absorbed in a day. This was no ordinary, homeless teenager.

We became a family. JP taught us about "Irish Humor" and we laughed often. We taught him that a family could have a loud, heated discussion, hug, kiss, and say, I love you, I’m sorry, all in one evening with no problem at all.

One day during a field trip to New Paltz, Toni, Liza and JP got into a car accident that totaled Toni’s car. JP’s mom volunteered to get the kids from the city since she worked close by. I was working and was grateful. I knew I had to call her to thank her. My stomach tightened as I dialed her number. This would be our first and only contact since JP had moved in eleven months ago.

She answered, guarded. I explained who I was and thanked her. She was overwhelmed, thanking me over and over for what I had done for her son. I told her that he was thinner, healthier and his depression had lifted. He finished his GED and planned to apply for college along with Toni and the other teens that frequented our home. His hair is brown. I told her JP did it all himself. She insisted that all he really needed was a little guidance.

Now, JP attends community college full time and has a part time job. What are you doing with the rest of your life? Why not share a little guidance and change your life forever as you help someone else change theirs?

Lorry is a Lupus Survivor who became a Reiki teacher, healer and psychic medium after Holistic alternatives combined with allopathic medicine saved her life. Contact her at: Lorrysallu@aol.com,or check out her wesite at: www.psychic-healer.tv