Talking Our Walk

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

~ Albert Einstein

Welcome to the February / March Winter “Relationships” Issue.

During this last year countless relationships have taken both a proverbial – and literal – beating.

Families have become fractured, long-time friendships severed, and most everyone continues to either gingerly dance around the virus / vaccine narratives, or vehemently argue their point of view. Seems a bit ironic, that while the catch-phrase “these uncertain times” is spoken and written ad nauseum, so many folks are absolutely “certain” of their take of the “facts.”

Trying to change others is never the answer, says recent contributor, Ann Albers ( You can’t bully someone into adopting your point of view. Instead, the solution to creating a world that you wish to live within is to make your own personal energy a vibrational match. No matter what others in the world are doing, you can choose to live in a world of peace. No matter how many argue for lack, you can live in an abundant world. No matter whether or not others are choosing it, you can live in a world of kindness, care, compassion, and courtesy. If you want peace, turn away from chaos and upset. Engage in practices that make you feel peaceful.

Donna Martini echoes this: It doesn’t matter your political affiliation, religion, team, beliefs, etc. Just resign to goodness / “Godness” because we need to be what we want the world to be, or it will never be more than it is.

Noted Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl famously pronounced, “The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.” Bottom line: Virtually anyone, anytime, can largely decide where to focus their thoughts and energies. We can be the master of our emotional domain. My sister loves to tell me, I’m living in “my own private Idaho” but I like it there 🙂

I am not in denial as to the severity of our present challenges. However, virtually every period in history has claimed a stake in their time being “apocalyptic”. But right now is our time, our challenge — in fact, this is our grand opportunity! And this is why: The ancient Greek meaning of the word “apocalypse” is literally an “uncovering,” a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides what Bart Ehrman has termed, “A vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities” Wikipedia

In this time–our time–we have the opportunity to reveal “hidden” knowledge of God-knows- what magnitude that can ultimately determine our true sovereignty, wellbeing and happiness.

In this issue, we’ve excerpted Alan Cohen’s wonderfully empowering new book, The Master Keys of Healing. One of the key takeaways: The mind focused on disease is constantly gathering evidence to support its reality. But here’s the kicker: So is the mind focused on health. Alan’s latest work so resonates with me that I’ve passed along copies to extended family. This book is for EVERYBODY.

Our lead article by Mia Birdsong affirms that We Long for Freedom and Accountability. Weaving nicely into our “Relationships” theme, Birdsong states “freedom is both an individual and collective endeavor…Being free is, in part, achieved through being connected. Accountability…is more about ourselves in the context of the collective. It’s seeing the ways we cause hurt or harm as actions that indicate we are not living in alignment with values that recognize our own humanity or the humanity of others.”

It’s safe to say we all desire freedom. But will we be accountable to all the world in securing our “inalienable” freedoms, or will we be complicit in allowing our God-given rights to be stolen from us?

Peace All-ways,

Neil & Andrea