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Creations Astrology

with Swami Anand Sudhir

December / January 2005

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
You are playing with your feet a little more firmly planted on the ground than usual. You are not a flaming hydrogen balloon swirling and curling through the stratosphere. You are a prowling wildcat, with business to attend to. Earth your fire. Ground your passion.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
Shake off any stiffness that might be seizing up your cells. Your love is ready to blossom in wildness. It won't need too much encouragement. This is a grounded flowering. Steer clear of drama and excitement. Though fire may give you a rush, it won't nourish or heal. The earth will.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
The journey to freedom is fast and furious. It takes you through hidden feelings, exposed truths and the occasional awkward moment– then it delivers you unscathed into the vast open sky. The merry-go-round of journeying will deliver you to exactly where you started– with fresh eyes.

CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22)
If you immerse yourself completely in all the scenes, sets, roles and scripts that life provides, you will soon have a genuine story to tell. To move from knowledge to presence, lots of living is required. To notice you have forgotten the lamp of awareness is to remember it again.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Life is applying the brakes to you. It is leaving you with a very real emptiness in which to feel exactly what is under the surface, with no distractions. This is a place of depth and insight. To name it as uncomfortable would be to lessen it. You are quite capable of encountering yourself.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
The restlessness that you feel is a very good thing. Your essence is rolling around in its sleep. It is getting ready to wake up. The disturbance that you feel on the surface is an indication that you are ready to enter a new phase of unlearning. Greet the guest of feeling with great care.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
Life is getting real. The dreams you have been dreaming for years have been a precursor to what is now beginning to unfold. A beautiful reality is qualitatively different from a beautiful dream. As life brings you to earth, celebrate the richness of it all. It is up to you to deepen the vision.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Isolation is not an option. Life is banging on the door and demanding to be let in. It is full of light. It is inviting you to break the spell of separation. If you speak honestly, you will lift the veil and create community. If you share your ache, you will be shown ways to soothe it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Real life stories are the most alchemical phenomena on earth. Live one, tell one– listen to your heart break open when you hear one. As you lift the lid on what is actually going on in others’ hearts, expansion will follow. Remove artifice. Don't talk about it– be it.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Love has the capacity to absorb differences. It can only be real if it is able to host the most disparate characters at its table. Remove your armor and dare to feel what is underneath. Love is not diplomacy. Diplomacy is politics and fear. Let love forgive you and help you to move on.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Your longing is not going to go away. Once you have felt its pangs, it is here to stay. Longing is the voice of your spirit calling you home. In your case, home is the open sky. In what ways can you get on the wing? Wherever there is a lightness that defies gravity, go there.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
The more impossible a thing is to say, the more it is worth trying to say it. Even if you become exasperated in the attempt, give it a go. You may become a poet. You may touch a heart that you had no idea could be touched. You may discover that who you are resonates with others. Try it.

Sudhir is an astrologer and writer specializing in an experiential form of astrology that makes it digestible for both devotees and skeptics. He offers Experiential Astrology Workshops on request. Visit his new website: www.sudhirastrology.com or contact him at: blisswisdom@yahoo.com.au