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Let’s Cook Together
by Bernice Stock • Huntington, NY

When adults and parents are unaware of their health needs, how can they raise a healthy child?

Considering the plethora of obese, diabetic young children, we must inspire a new direction and turn the tide of our children’s health. Ideally, mealtime should be pleasurable. Let’s go back to the family dining together, munching on veggies, fruits, grains and high quality protein. Our precious children are our future. Get the children involved and allow them to assist you in the kitchen! Here’s an easy recipe you and your child can make together:

Millet is the least allergenic of all grains. Rich in minerals, it also contains an abundance of nitrilosides, which Dr. Ernest Krebs, the renowned cancer researcher and discoverer of Vitamin B17 (Laetrile), identifies as a cancer preventative. Include this well-balanced grain often in the child’s diet. The slightly bitter taste of millet cereal is easily improved with raisins, cranberries, and/or blueberries.

YIELD: This recipe fills 4 large or 5 small apples. Refrigerate leftover grains up to 2 days, or freeze in small portions for future use. You may want to prepare the recipe, and stuff the apples the night before and then bake in the morning.

1/2 cup millet
1/2 cup hot water
4 - 5 apples
Handful of raisins or dried cranberries
Generous sprinkle of cinnamon
1/3 cup apple juice, organic soy milk, or milk of choice
Handful of sunflower seeds

Adult washes millet in a strainer and dries in a saucepan at low heat. Adult or child adds the hot liquid to the millet. Cook covered about 20 minutes or until moisture is absorbed. DO NOT STIR. To soften further, add a bit more liquid and cook for another 5 minutes. Adult cuts off apple tops and sets aside. Child scoops out a large enough space from the apples for the filling with an apple corer.

Adult chops or cuts apple pieces and adds pieces to millet. Child adds raisins, cinnamon, juice, and sunflower seeds to the above. Child places the millet mix into the scooped apple, filling any empty spaces with millet. Child covers the apples with apple tops. Bake in 350-degree oven 45-60 minutes or until soft. Baking time depends on the natural firmness of the apples.

Bernice Stock, former publisher of “To Your Health” magazine has recently published, Let’s Cook Together a cookbook with a vast array of healthy and fun recipes, easy for adult and child as they COOK TOGETHER. Recipes include plant- based dishes (fruits, vegetables and tofu) as well as organic eggs, wild fish, organic poultry and a smattering of organic meat. It also includes a convenient seven-day menu plan for very busy moms. To order call 631 385-8546.