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Creations Astrology
with Swami Anand Sudhir


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
Though dancing around frenetically might feel a lot like you are doing something, it’s only when you get fully drenched with emotion and passion that you really get moving. Life grabs you and pulls you in deep. Go with what is asked of you and you’ll have a ball.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
In order to be planted in new soil, you will have to be uprooted first. Though it may come as some surprise to feel like you are standing on your head rather than landing on your feet, it is perfectly natural. Navigate your transitions with elegance, grace and humor.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
There is no limit to how deeply you can dip into your intuitive faculties. That whisper of spiritual and practical common sense that emanates from your heart is always there willing to share, if you are willing to listen. Dive into that which evokes your feelings.

CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22)
The very focus that is coming from your sincerity, is fixating your vision just a little. Life will have to loosen you up a bit to get you thinking feeling and sensing from left field. It is in the unorthodox that inspiration occurs. Keep reinventing your perspective.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
It is only after your idealism hits the rocks and goes through the inevitable transition that follows, that you really get up a head of steam for the new. Make sure that transition is transformational, by being both watchful and sincere. Soon you won't be seen for dust.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
You know you are on track when your whole system slips into a comfortable and natural feeling of relaxation. If you are hyped up and excited, it means you are on to something but not yet particularly grounded. Wait for your whole organism to join in the party.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
We aren’t here just to get the goodies. We are here to experience the whole three ringed circus - the whole movie. Being Venusian by nature, you are partial to sweetness. Life wants to you have a savory time too. Extend your definitions of what you like and who you are.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Though you are on new ground, you may also have to do a thorough investigation of the past to be able to truly find your footing. Though you can’t rely on yesterday to get you through today, it can tell you what not to do. Let your heart be thrilled by the depth available.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
From girding your loins and getting really practical, you move into delight. Discipline leads to an enjoyment that you never foresaw happening quite like this. With your nose down and bottom up, you can’t see properly. Lift your eyes and look around. It’s beautiful.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
The more you consider the whole idea of good and bad, the more you realize it’s all a silly idea. Your sinner is wants to be a saint. And your saint wants to be very naughty indeed. Why not leave the whole game behind and explore what is natural and right for you?

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
The intensity and depth that you have been longing for is not too far away. If you want to get there and be able to fully enjoy it, there’s no better place to start than here and now. Leave no stone unturned in loving what you've got. Be emotionally thorough.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Beauty comes when you least expect it. To try to “not expect” it, whilst peeping out the corner of your left eye isn’t going to work. Simply forget the target and immerse yourself in what's right before your eyes. Feast on THIS. Let the sublime take care of it's own business.

Sudhir is an astrologer and writer specializing in an experiential form of astrology that makes it digestible for both devotees and skeptics. He offers Experiential Astrology workshops on request. Contact him at:
blisswisdom@yahoo.com.au and visit his website: www.myspace.com/zenhafiz.