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A World of Difference: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
by Jackie Lapin • Westlake, CA

Each of us has within a combination of “masculine and feminine” energies. In a sense, we humans are androgynous creatures, but most of us tilt more strongly toward one direction.

That may be as a result of association with our gender, but not always. Many homosexual or transgender people have strong energies more closely associated with the opposite gender. In another example of embracing the opposite energy, “tomboy” girls show the influence of masculine energy surfacing at an early age. Ultra masculine men have suppressed their female energies. Just as some ultra feminine women have refused to give any quarter to their masculine energy.

Science equates the masculine with left brain analytical thinking and the feminine with the right brain creative and artistic influence. Neither can operate alone. It is in the integration of the two that we have a healthy, functioning human being. But the balance of these two “yin and yang” energies is evident in more than just humans. According to Dr. Norman Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune in The Light Shall Set You Free: “Masculine and feminine energies are found on all planes—physical, mental and spiritual. Gender refers to a division of labor or effort, which is required for all creativity. Gender is found in organic, as well as inorganic matter and within the operations of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, etc. In each instance, both masculine and feminine energies are essential—the masculine energy directs itself to the feminine energy, thereby initiating the creative process. The feminine energy is the one doing the active creative work.”

A spiritually and emotionally healthy human being embraces both energies, creating balance and blending the creative feminine with the intellectual male energy
. They are each necessary for the realization of a consciously creative life. Favoring one energy over the other in the extreme, means that one aspect is being suppressed or denied, leading to unhappiness at best, dysfunction at worst and stifling the creative process. By hating or denying one half of ourselves, we are unconsciously sending negative energies into the Universe. Embracing both feminine and masculine energies—accepting, honoring, blending them—propels one toward Conscious Creation.

Global Implications

In an outstanding book You Just Don’t Understand by Dr. Deborah Tannen, a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University, her research discloses how differently men and women see the world. She discovered through their choice of words and the tone, men view the world as a hierarchy—always seeking to position themselves above the next man or woman on the rung. Women, on the other hand, see themselves as facilitators, bringing others to them in an effort to inspire cooperation or to reach out for assistance. They are collaborative.

Hence, it is easy to see the results of male domination in the world today. The impact of male energies run amok, untempered by the conciliatory wisdom and cooperative nature of women leaders or men who honor their female side, has created a place where might has the upper hand and is valued accordingly.

But there are very significant signs that this status quo is changing. The feminist movement of the ’70s and ’80s forced a reevaluation of gender roles across the globe and today we have a growing generation of men far more comfortable with their feminine energies, and women who are equally embracing both elements as they navigate the working world and home life. On a global basis, countries are increasingly electing female leadership at all levels of government. Recently a woman became Speaker of the House in the U.S. House of Representatives, the third most powerful position in the government behind president and vice president. A growing number of nations have women prime ministers, presidents or political leaders including France, Chile and Germany.

If we are to envision and realize a peaceful and economically healthy world, it will mean drawing far more from the feminine energy of cooperation and love. We will need to honor men and women equally and envision ways to free the millions of women oppressed by religious and other regimes. That world will need to unite men and women in cooperative ventures for the betterment of every community and mankind at large.

Excerpted from The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, published by Elevate Press.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Fre-quency Manage-ment. Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to create a healthy, compassionate world (www.unitedworld-healing.org,). On April 15, United World Healing will offer its next worldwide online “Vision-In” for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Lapin offers free emailed Manifesting Tips Daily at www.theartofconsciouscreation.com.