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Talking Our Walk
From the Editors

The foundation for every relationship, is the relationship you have with yourself.

Having said that, one of the most difficult things in life is to take a look in the mirror and honestly assess your own character. What we see is not always pretty – in fact it may be downright ugly. But once you get past the initial jolt, you can get to work on those “less attractive” qualities.

One way to uncover some truths about our self is by recognizing that the people who express qualities that we dislike, may simply be reflecting back to us the very same qualities that reside within us (although we may not yet be aware of them). On the flip side, for example, when you are deeply touched by another’s kindness, you probably also possess that quality within you.

An email we received from a yoga studio on eastern Long Island prompted us to reiterate and clarify our relationship with both our readers and advertisers. “…Your magazine has always been one of honesty and respect…thank you for maintaining an authentic publication… we enjoy the positive energy that CREATIONS MAGAZINE sends each issue.”

This is not to be self-congratulatory, but instead to illustrate our editorial content policy. We seek to maintain our editorial integrity by not choosing articles based on advertising. That, to us, is a conflict of interest. At the risk of alienating some advertisers, we reject the majority of article submissions we receive. Of course, we wish to support those who support us -- however, we never reprint press releases and instead strive to offer informational, rather than promotional pieces.

On another front, this past December, CREATIONS MAGAZINE launched a new online newsletter, Inspired Creations, Spirituality in Action. Twice each month, we deliver new articles that do NOT appear in our print edition. Our content is solution-oriented, offering ideas and tools to improve the lives of people, animals and our planet. We’ll feature people and organizations that are actually in the world working to make a positive difference – the type of people that Robert Rabbin likes to call “spiritual activists.” All contributions will be considered. Please email your newsletter articles (500 words max) to neil@creationsmagazine.com. And remember to sign up for Inspired Creations at www.creationsmagazine.com.

One more reminder: Winter or not, it’s always vital for our physical and spiritual health to maintain our relationship with Nature. Please make it a point to spend time outdoors.

In Peace & Gratitude,