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Use Love to Forge New Beginnings
by Alicia • Brooklyn, NY

I love the WORLD! It has such wonderful opportunities for new beginnings and with all its possibilities, the chance not only to begin over again and get it right, but also to create something entirely new.
If you need support, don’t worry, the World has that too; all the assistance you demand in making the new you. It has the counselors, therapists, alternative healers, realtors, match makers, support systems, educators, doctors, theorists, philosophers, memberships, social services, clubs, schools, friends and publications for everyone in every walk of life.

There is only one obstacle in your way. You! That’s right, you. When it comes down to it, when venturing into new surroundings, new relationships and new positions—the constant is you! So, if you find along the way the New Beginning you have imagined has turned out to be the same old thing with just a different face… guess what? Maybe it is you who has to start all over, not with exterior transformations, but with inner change.

Want a new start on life? Want to change the outcome of your intimate relationships, present financial situation and position in society? Finding the true source of power to manifest these aspirations begins with the journey inward. What are you willing to give up, for new beginnings? You must be willing to release something; let some thought or belief shift and transform, enabling you to enter a new life with new conceptions of yourself and the world—empowering you to manifest the dreams that you desire. Of course it is easier said than done. Have no fear; here are four practical steps that can assist you on our journey to new beginnings.

1) You have to accept that it really is you and not the world that must transform. Changing a location, a person or even a career, will not solve all of your deep issues

2) Figure out exactly what needs to be altered within the self. What beliefs reside inside you that are creating the results being experienced in the outside world? I’m talking energy follows thought. What you think, will manifest itself in the world. Thus, if a new beginning is what you want, look at your present thoughts and view points, examine them to see what would not work if you are to truly encounter a new life.

3) Having identified what needs changing, the next act is to make the transformation. This can be difficult, because in some ways you are going to have to battle yourself. Why? Because the mind is very powerful and it doesn’t like change. It is repetitive in its thoughts, views and ideas and doesn’t readily make adjustments to deeply held beliefs, especially if experiences have reinforced these concepts. For example, a person might have the conviction, they can’t trust women, and all their experiences have supported this idea. This person, however, does desire a relationship built upon trust. But now the mind says: “What are you crazy, you want me to believe that women can be trusted, have you forgotten, Suzan, what she did, or how about Roxanne, wasn’t that enough?” Don’t be fooled by the mind, it knows exactly what to say, what memory to bring up to keep you stuck. Another reason why the task at hand can be arduous is that more than likely these beliefs have been put into place as forms of protection for the self. It is not that the above person wants to hold the conviction, “women aren’t trust worthy”, or believes that trusting is a bad thing. No, it’s a defense mechanism put into place, to avoid all of the pain associated with the betrayal(s). It says: “If I don’t expect women to be trustworthy I won’t be hurt.”

All isn’t lost. Here are a few concepts that can be incorporated into the psyche that can help the mind loosen its grip and consider modifying its current position(s).

The first thought that a person can present to the mind is: has believing in the aforementioned concept(s) worked? In the case of our example, has going around not trusting really helped, or has it prevented this person from experiencing true happiness?

The second concept is if you can consider that your life events occur because of lessons you have to learn. You can then focus more on the lesson itself than your experiences. Maybe it is the task of the above person to truly understand the deeper meaning of trust. This would empower the person to not only focus on this concept; to explore spiritually as well as ethically, what trust means, but also to begin to live in the world in a healthier state. Why believe that? Well, I definitely don’t want to believe it is The Divine’s intention to cause me harm and anguish for no good reason. It seems a lot healthier to consider the possibility: all suffering has purpose and meaning. It is put before us to teach us to grow. Thus the focus should be, what lesson, what spiritual law should I be manifesting in life to forge a true new beginning.

At this point, you recognize what is required for you to set into motion ideas and concepts that will assist in helping your mind to make the necessary shifts in perception. Now you are ready for the finally stage.

4) LOVE. Use the power of the heart to instill the new concepts into the mind and to alter behavior patterns. One of the things that science has been showing us is that the mind is powerful, but the heart is even greater. Using the energy of love to help make inner transformations is imperative. Reach down into your heart and bring the desire to be a better person forward—that is to be more loving, kinder, less controlling, more trusting and more helpful. So, go ahead! Forge that New Beginning and don’t forget—your true power rests in Love, so use it!


Alicia MS. MA, is a Researcher, Reiki Master, Educator, Writer and Developmentalist. She has Masters from Colombia University and Bank Street College. Alicia is currently working on a six-month research project to study the affects of Psychotherapy Counseling and Spiritual Energy work for Women with fibrosis of the Uterus and its related systems. She can be reached at (718) 703-3086 or at her website www.aliciaspiritualhealer.com.