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You Know the Secret – Now Make the Choice
by Mike Bara


silhouette head with heartThis planet is in trouble. Most of us know that. Or at least we sense it in some ineffable way. There is an air of unease all around us. A tone in the background that implies that all is not as it seems, and that what little stability we feel beneath us is subject to being shattered and torn asunder at a moment’s notice.

We should feel this way. There is every good reason to. The reality is that many of our most sacredly held beliefs, hopes and fears are on the brink of being ripped from us completely. Our nation is struggling. Our leaders seem impotent. We can’t even cap a deep sea oil well that went up in an explosion caused by a series of keystone cop-like misjudgments.

That all this is happening on the precipice of another stressful event, the end of the current Mayan calendar long count cycle, will only add to the sense of dislocation most of us are already feeling. After all the conflict, political polarization and financial turmoil of the last decade, we now have to face this? The potential end of all things at the hands of some irresistible Force that will consume us in… what? Hellish solar flares? Horrific earthquakes on a scale we have never experienced? Worldwide torrents of rain caused by a magnetic pole flip? Or the ultimate catastrophe – a crustal pole shift itself – as depicted in the Hollywood movie 2012?

Or will this period of transition instead be – as so many New Age leaders insist – a thunderous change not in our physical environment, but in our consciousness? Will it be a new awakening that will finally end the occult age in which we now live and allow us to move forward in truth and harmony with our God?

The reality is the change we all feel coming may be none of those things. Or all of them. The only thing we know for sure, deep in our souls and in our bones, is that there will be change. The only question is what form that change will take.

Believe it or not, that Choice is entirely up to us.

What most in the New Age/spiritual community don’t realize is that there is an underlying physics, not related to Einstein or quantum mechanics or gravity, driving these consciousness shifts. Astronomical alignments and eclipses, like the significant ones coming in the next few years, have been proven to affect our consciousness and our physical environment. Make no mistake about it, the change we are going to experience is governed by this physics. Happily, there is a long history of suppressed and ignored experimentation which shows that this physics can not only be moderated, it can be manipulated and controlled. It allows us, through our own thoughts, prayers and true desires, to dictate the outcome of these next few years. In my model, it’s the physics that drives the consciousness, it’s the science that drives the spirit; it is the astronomy that drives the astrology. What this means is that we need to accept that there is a science behind our thoughts, moods and actions, and that means we can counteract any negative energy that they generate in the midst of our coming existential crisis.

Few people these days remember the first Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. At the time, it was mostly ridiculed or ignored by a media monopoly that consisted of a few television networks and newspaper conglomerates. In this stuffy, controlled environment, author Jose Aguelles declared August 16th and 17th 1987 to be the first “Harmonic Convergence;” a period of unique astronomical and astrological alignments that he claimed would transform the planet and usher in a new era of peace and cooperation. Despite the resistance from the state run media, the idea took hold and made an impact.

In his book The Mayan Factor, Arguelles broke down the most famous of the four surviving Mayan calendar codices, the Dresden Codex. He concluded that when the current Long Count calendar cycle ended on December 21st 2012, the world would face a series of physical cataclysms that would rock it to its core and result in widespread devastation of human civilization. But hopefully, he also concluded that the world would have a chance to avert this devastation using the power of spiritual thought. Aguelles argued that if just 144,000 souls would come together in peace and love and harmony on August 16th and 17th 1987, then all the dire prophecies of what was about to become the Mayan Sixth World would be mitigated downward by a factor of ten. Rather than a mere 144,000 people coming together, millions the world over gathered to celebrate, pray and meditate on their desire for a more peaceful, harmonic world based on God’s natural laws. The result was a dramatic drop in violence the world over. The Soviet empire fell, East and West Germany were reunited and other than the first Gulf War, there were no open armed conflicts between nations. Even the Gulf War itself was almost miraculous for its minimal loss of life, both civilian and military, compared to other conflicts.

So what then can we expect in the next decade, when a series of profound astronomical alignments take place? This hyperdimensional physics, as outlined in my first book Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA, dictates that we will begin, all of us, to awaken to the world, the galaxy and the universe all around us. Many who never showed an interest in anything beyond fashion magazines or sports will suddenly find themselves curious about the future, and about how we might participate in its creation. According to the Mayan calendar, there are several key stress points along the path to this change. The last such stress point was on November 8th, 2009, and I myself had a profound spiritual experience. It was only a few weeks later, when I first heard of how the calendar worked, that I realized how intensely my heart had been transformed by that experience. I understood, in the only way that we humans truly can – by experiencing it myself – that there is a wind of change coming. And it is coming whether we want it to or not.

In our own sometimes smugly superior way, those of us who have rediscovered our connection with God can easily overlook or dismiss the left-brained, intellectual thought processes that sometimes keep us from truly connecting to the inner Divine. I find myself doing it all the time lately – it’s a hard habit to break. But I strongly advise you all not to do this, for the human body is an amazing device, and there must be a reason why that same God gave us the capacity to both think and feel. I will not delude myself into believing I know why that is, I merely caution you not to polarize either your mind or your heart. In my own journey, this is what I have tried to do, and as a result of not taking sides, I think I have had a glimpse of something that may be very important for all of us to consider:

What if neither side – the end is nigh crowd nor the spiritual transformation advocates – are wrong? What if they are both right? What if time itself is both spiritual and physical, and what then must we do if there are indeed changes coming in both of these aspects of our existence?

We’ve all learned The Secret. We each have the power to create our own reality through our hopes, dreams, or fears. Armed with this alchemical knowledge, it is now time for us to put that power to use.

The physics of change will be upon us soon, and truthfully the process has already begun. People are awaking to what calendar researcher Carl Calleman calls the Galactic Consciousness, an innate awareness that something is wrong and our path must be deflected now before things get out of hand. What this awakening will give us is an opportunity, a chance for the Phoenix to rise from the ashes once again.

We have, for far too long as a species, thought of the apocalypse as something that happens to us rather than as something we actively participate in. What the first harmonic convergence taught us is that nothing could be further from the truth. We are, all of us, important. But it is not enough to merely wish for a better world and hope that somebody else does all the work.

From this moment on, if not before, many people will be seeking answers, perhaps without even knowing why, and we must be certain that we have the right tools in place for them to satisfy that urge to help, that yearning to contribute, and that fervent desire to be part of something that unifies us all under not one nation, but one God. Only then will they feel they have made a difference and fulfilled something of their purpose here on Earth, and only then will they be free to pursue their own individual vision of the world they want to live in.

Mike Bara is a New York Times bestselling author, screenwriter and lecturer. A selfdescribed “born again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA (co-author Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller in 2007. Prior to launching his writing career, Mike spent 25 years as an engineering consultant for major aerospace companies. Mike makes numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics and the link between science and spirit.