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Beat Procrastination: Ignite your Creativity
by Chandresh Bhardwaj • Hicksville, NY


color wheel with clock hands

Does your mind get flooded with amazing ideas which never see the light of day? Are you often quoted as the one to go to when someone needs a suggestion but yet you are not able to clean your own mess?

You are not the only one! Most of us, from time to time, find ourselves gripped by dullness and procrastination. Based on my experiences with young and old, I realized there are a couple of things that can become obstacles to our creative outlets. If we take care of those, we should see ourselves better than who we are. Now, without procrastinating any further, read the following tips to ignite your creativity:

Keep Your Inspiration Alive

Always remind yourself of your goals. Meditate on this line; “I cannot be the person that I want to be by being the person that I am right now.” This affirmation has helped me a lot in getting rid of my own laziness. We have to break our old monotonous patterns in order to get things done in a nonmonotonous way!

Prioritize Your Work

Starting from your morning, list all the things that you have to do, and then organize them according to priority. Start doing what is most important first and finish with what is the least important. This may seem a little tedious in the beginning, but once you start doing it every day, your efficiency will be greatly increased.

Minimize Distractions

What things distract you the most? Is it frequent e-mail checking, TV, songs, phone calls, facebook (oops, I guess I just hit at the major distraction), etc? Well, whatever they are, try to keep away from them as much as possible when you are doing your work. Taking small breaks in between work can keep your mind refreshed and active. If something distracts me a lot, I literally write it on paper and make sure I do it after I am done with my work. This disciplines me to not let go of my priorities.

Know Your Energy Levels

Determine the time you do your work with full concentration. Then begin scheduling yourself according to that time. Some people like to do their work at night, so to stay fresh all day might be a problem. Even so, finding your peak energy time works well. It’s better than not doing anything at all.

Don’t Hate Your Work

None of the above points will work if you don’t like what you do. Some people procrastinate just because they “hate” it. If you are one of those, remember this: You have to like the things that need to be done. The key is that whatever your work, do it with a smile, because you’ve got to do it anyway! If you can’t like it, then simply change it as it will exhaust your creative energy.

Let’s break the norms of our comfort zone and ignite the creativity within us!

BhardwajChandresh Bhardwaj is founder of Break the Norms. An ardent student of spirituality, he has been learning the ancient science of spiritual wisdom through sages & monks in India. Chandresh helps people reach their full potential with the power of the inner self. He also offers customized programs for self-growth based on the lines of ancient eastern spirituality. www.BreakTheNorms.com