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Predictions for 2012 ... and Beyond
by Carmen Harra • Florida


Wholeliness Embracing the Sacred Unity That Heals Our WorldThe following is excerpted from the book Wholeliness by Carmen Harra. It is published by Hay House ©2011 and available at all bookstores or online at: www.hayhouse.com.

In the last six billion years or so, every planet and satellite in our system has made a certain number of rotations, all to reach a perfect alignment. And this alignment will happen on December 21, 2012.

This is the phenomenon that the Mayans so precisely calculated. It is also the reason we’ve seen more and more energy in our solar system, which has caused the planets to appear brighter, lighter, and warmer. In addition to affecting our solar system, this energy, because it’s so alive and intelligent, has entered our bodies. It activates our DNA and enlightens our minds, thereby spurring us to take a step forward. Yet it escalates tensions on a large scale in the political, economic, religious, and social worlds as well.

Our perception is expanding, and we are beginning to comprehend that time is more than a three-dimensional idea, now that we have an awareness of the parallel reality that exists beyond our universe. Thus, there is another element of time. Einstein established the notion of the space-time continuum, but we’ll soon discover that we can actually move through the three dimensions of time: the astral space, the dream space, and the paranormal space.

Our own planet is also raising its vibration, and this will be a liberation. In its movement through the galaxy, Earth is entering a great field of vibration that will change human DNA, allowing us to have incredibly long life spans. During this time, we will finally understand the necessity of honoring life and the Divine. The moment humanity reaches unity with Spirit will be the moment we witness true reality.

The world around us will take on new meaning and new importance. We’re entering a golden age in which the cosmic cycle of darkness is definitively ending because we’re making contact with Spirit. Because humanity will embrace wholeliness, the following predictions are based on how this will influence life on earth:

• December 21, 2012, will not be a doomsday or the end of the world—but we are headed toward great suffering and climate changes if we don’t break out of our denial and begin to raise our consciousness. We must change the course of human history. The date of the winter solstice in the year 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, has the energy of 11 (1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 =11), which, according to numerology, is the number of enlightenment. This is the official beginning of a new era in the human experience, of raised consciousness, as we evolve into beings with greater awareness and understanding of our Divine nature. In connection with this, the satellites surrounding the earth will be affected during 2012, indirectly speeding up the process of change in financial institutions. Because the satellites will become temporarily unavailable, people will scramble to create alternatives to the systems that have been automatically regulated by those satellites. As we approach the end of the Mayan calendar, things will become more challenging. Both 2011 and 2012 will be years of awakening, as we start to realize just how serious our situation is. World leaders will begin to come together to imagine new economic systems and ways of dealing with climate change and natural disasters. Even further in the future, the world will have but one form of leadership governing every part of the globe.

Acting as separate nations, we cannot hope to fix the problem. Almost every place in the world is experiencing financial collapse, meaning that we’re all in this together. Therefore, we must rectify the economy together. We’ve been looking at the matter ethnocentrically, but our approach needs to shift to a global one.

• The world may go through a state of chaos, which is necessary for progress, but this won’t last for very long. In particular, we will witness intense, natural commotions in our universe: There will be increased cosmic radiation, more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions scattered around the globe, and a spike in solar activity. The activity of Schumann resonances (electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere) will peak, making it seem as if physical time is moving faster than it really is. More and more floods will inundate various parts of the planet, and Earth’s rotation will slow down. The global temperature will fluctuate and be hard to anticipate, resulting in a decrease in the population of sea creatures and fauna.

• I believe that human DNA will increase in complexity, thereby expanding our mental capacity and the level of our perception. We will begin to understand that we’re all connected to the Divine Force in the same way. We’ll acknowledge that all forms of life are actually a part of Spirit, under whom we are united as one. We’ll finally realize that the different religions and gods of the world that we’ve held onto throughout centuries have been far too effective in helping us create hatred, war, anger, and separation.

Further, the Catholic Church will continue to experience problems, especially in regards to pedophilia and its wrongful hostility toward homosexuals. Pope Benedict will be the last Pope before we see a universal unity of religions. A widespread change in the belief system of humankind is upon us – in fact, we are already starting to come together under a common belief system, and more and more people will regard death as simply a transition from the human body into a higher dimension of being. As we shift from religion to spirituality, individuals will use their abilities to harness energy for the purposes of healing, to interact with others, and to create positive changes.

• Humanity will come together in terms of leadership. The long-ruling systems of monarchy, papacy, presidency, dictatorship, and so on won’t survive. We’ll see more people of faith guiding the world toward coming together as one global family. As a result, we’ll accept each other the way we are, help out in ways we never have before, and love each other unconditionally. This might sound quite utopian, but the golden era that’s approaching will create a paradise, the way the earth was originally designed.

• The feminine energy will become stronger and more powerful, bringing unity and healing to us all. We will begin to see increasing numbers of women as national leaders: the Divine feminine force will bring unity and harmony between the energies of the sexes.

• Future generations will be much more knowledgeable, especially in the sense that they will be connected to nature. The children of Earth will return to a dependency on, and respect for, the natural world.

• The future of medicine lies in natural healing through wholesome foods, the mind, light therapy, balancing our energy fields, and healing at the cellular level. We will witness amazing discoveries in health care, especially in regards to reducing the need to cut into the body by understanding the integrity of the body as a whole. Embryonic stem cells produced through therapeutic cloning will be integrated into future therapies.

• Living creatures will visit us from other galaxies, but they won’t be the frightening aliens we’ve seen in movies.

• We’ll discover other planets and better understand the universe – specifically, how to work with it for our own benefit. However, we will do so through innovative means that aren’t destructive.

• We’ll utilize more of the capacity of our brains and invent devices to connect to the next dimension: the realm of continuous time where souls live without bodies.

• Telepathy, teleportation, and the intuitive mind will be used as methods for connecting to each other and preventing events from happening.

As a result of these changes, life on Earth will be far more harmonious and peaceful. I know it’s difficult to envision a world like this with our present perspective, but we’re evolving our thinking and finally letting go of limitations. Look into the future and see us together. Start celebrating, and forget about the negative predictions, which are simply vestiges of an era of darkness.

 Carmen Harra

Best-selling author Carmen Harra, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and TV personality who has been featured on an array of national shows such as The View, Good Morning America, the Today show; and in publications such as the New York Times, the New York Post, and more. Harra’s extensive training in couple’s and cognitive therapy, combined with her uncanny intuitive abilities, have made her a sought-after advisor throughout the world.