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Magic in the Now Moment
by Bente HansenWappingers Falls, NY

pixelled clock“The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor’s edge of Now – to be utterly, so completely present that no problem, no suffering, nothing that is not who you are in your essence, can survive in you. In the Now, in the absence of time, all your problems dissolve. Suffering needs time; it cannot survive in the Now”

~ Eckart Tolle


Eckhart Tolle’s statement is probably one of the most appropriate descriptions of what being in the Now moment feels like. In all likelihood you have experienced the odd moment when you have felt exactly like this.

It’s a moment when time stands still. There is only the stillness and silence within, as well as a sense of perfection in everything. The glimpses of the Now moment are an indication of what is possible, of what can become a full-time reality and way of life.

Currently we are experiencing a massive shift - individually, within communities and globally. The world as we know it is transforming rapidly, with many indicators of this shift. Climate, politics, finances, institutions and market changes are all undergoing a shake-up.

When change is occurring there are many predictions being made regarding possible outcomes. Currently the media and entertainment industries are speculating on the likelihood of large scale catastrophe and disasters occurring. Such postulations merely generate excessive fear and uncertainty, especially as they are based largely on speculation and prediction.

Predictions are derived from what has previously been experienced and are based in the concept of linear time. The Gregorian calendar is linearly structured and is the vehicle through which reality is explained, from beginning to the present and into the future.

According to quantum physics and in Universal time there is only the Now moment. This means there is no past or future. There is only the Now, which makes each Now experience doubly precious, something to be truly experienced and savored for its sheer magic. The purity of the Now moment transcends all that is experienced in linear time.

Information contained in trance channelings, via Edgar Cayce, indicates linear time is compressing into the Now moment. What does this mean? How does this affect you? As time is compressed into the Now there is less opportunity to focus on either the past or future. Compression of time results in a rapid acceleration into the Now.

This means change happens on all levels – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – and it is possible to create changes in habits, attitudes and perspectives to accommodate this compression of time.

As with all things you tend to talk the language before actually beginning to integrate what is being said. For example, “be in the flow” and “live in the moment” are only two of countless statements expressed regularly in communication. The fact that statements such as these are being repeated regularly is an indication of the shift that is occurring.

Gradually there comes a time when you feel as though you are in the flow of life and the Now moment is temporarily experienced. Once you experience this you then desire more of these states because they feel effortless and comfortable. There is, however, a technique that accelerates these experiences and which lessens the stress of dealing with unanticipated change. This technique is extremely simple and ultimately brings about greater ease in life.

One of the most powerful techniques for living in the Now moment is the Focused Breath Technique, which involves consciously having awareness of breath at all times, with your eyes wide open. It involves feeling the inhalation, circulation and exhalation of each breath. Initially begin by setting aside time in the day’s schedule, say for 5-10 minutes, having complete focus and awareness of your breath. Then gradually increase the time until it becomes your habitual breathing mechanism.

When doing this you will become aware of its potency in shifting your attention from thought to a state of non-thought. In addition, your body will feel relaxed and your mind clear. When practiced regularly and diligently over time there is a steady shift into the Now moment, where the Focused Breath Technique is integrated into more of each day’s activities. Ultimately it has the potential to take you to the state of what the Buddhists refer to as “walking meditation.” This means you are fully present in all daily interactions without intrusive thoughts and emotions creating havoc via the conscious and sub-conscious minds.

An additional benefit of the Focused Breath Technique is that it enables you to function equally from both right and left hemispheres in all situations, as opposed to the practice of meditation which is a right brain activity.

Living in the Now can be achieved with commitment to making changes and to the ongoing application of techniques that support this process. You are entitled to live joyfully in the Now moment. Begin making simple changes now and in no time at all you’ll be thriving and enjoying this magnificent time of change.


Bente Hansen

Australian Rev. Bente Hansen is an inspirational speaker, energy healer, energetic channel, spiritual counselor, medical intuitive, author, radio host and teacher. She co-hosts the Manifesting Wellness Show on www.manifestingwellnessshow.com. She has published Messages From Beyond (2001), The New World of Self Healing (2006) and Edgar Speaks (2011). Bente can be contacted at www.edgarspeaks.com and www.dynamicenergyhealing.net. Her mission is: to support and empower you in your journey to wellness and inner harmony.