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with Sudhir • Queensland, Australia


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
Uranus continues to reverse through your sign. His message is rebelliousness and freedom but he’s certainly not going to deliver that to you in any orthodox way. As he goes retrograde, so life will insist that you see what it is inside yourself, which tends to block your way.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
Venus does a lot of travelling over the next two months. She moves from fiery Leo, all the way through to watery Scorpio. In the process, she will show you that love has many moods and many colors. She will be sure to make you buck. Be a little wild and unpredictable.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
You are in a slow drift, from imagining a rosy storyline, to realizing that there is a very real emotional process to be navigated to make it real. Mercury moves from Libra to Scorpio, taking you from romantic vision, into the rich deep waters of personal transformation.

CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22)
Though it might seem like life is coming at you like a meteor shower, it will slow down. It will shift from hot potato to a soothing warm bath, before you know it. Change comes just after we think it will. Watch your impatience. Don’t believe in it. Explore trust instead.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Though it might seem like life is coming at you like a meteor shower, it will slow down. It will shift from hot potato to a soothing warm bath, before you know it. Change comes just after we think it will. Watch your impatience. Don’t believe in it. Explore trust instead.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
Solitude is the place we go to get our priorities right. Community is where we go to be respected, supported, befriended and generally strengthened. Once you have moved from the former to the latter, you will find yourself in your strength and power. Enjoy taking your stand.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
The Libran Sun settles you. When the Sun is in our sign, we experience the Apollonian delights of integration, order and a general propensity towards civilization. The beauty of dancing with the opposites is lost on some non-Librans. Celebrate the grace of the middle way.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Before you get down to business, you must go through a month of waiting. As the Sun drifts through sweet, romantic Libra, the part of you that wants to dive under the carpet, pull out whatever is there and get real, must be tempered. This tempering brings awareness.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Mars spends most of the next two months travelling through your sign. You would be wise to get to know him consciously, lest he pull any surprise maneuvers. Mars is pure, wild, masculine drive. With awareness, he will bring you strength and adventure. Be exceedingly aware.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Saturn moves from Libra to Capricorn and as he does, he takes your focus on awareness into new territory. You have been contemplating the shift from a rigid balance to a dynamic one. Now you move into deeper water. Rejoice in the real work of turning difficulty into wisdom.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
As Uranus continues his journey through Aries, so you are face to face with all the implications of your impulsiveness. “Originality at all costs,” is sometimes beneficial and sometimes counterproductive. Keep your creativity in line with the greater flow of existence.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Both Neptune and Chiron are retrograde - appearing to go backwards - in your sign. It’s hard to think of a more introspective combination of influences. Let there be no end to the depth you can go to, with all the things that matter most – stillness, silence, soulfulness and bliss.

Sudhir is an astrologer and writer specializing in an experiential form of astrology that makes it digestible for both devotees and skeptics. He offers Experiential Astrology workshops on request. Contact him at: blisswisdom@yahoo.com.au and visit his website: www.astrospice.com.

© M.J.Dean 2011