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Ten Reasons Orgasms Are Good for You
by Brian R. Clement, PhD, NMD, LN & Anna Maria Clement, PhD, NMD, LN • West Palm Beach, FL


7 Keys toLifelong Sexual Vitality

The following is excerpted from the book 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality. Copyright © 2012 by Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, LN, and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, MND, LN. Reprinted with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. www.newworldlibrary.com or 800/972-6657 ext. 52.

1. You will strengthen your immune system. Orgasms release hormones beneficial to immunity. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), for instance, bolsters the immune system against colds and the flu and helps to maintain and repair body tissues.

2. You will reduce stress. You probably know this to be true from firsthand experience. Nothing quite as quickly and dramatically washes away the tensions of the day as the release that comes from lovemaking. You certainly rest better afterward.

3. You will relieve depression. The hormones released during lovemaking and orgasms elevate a person’s mood sufficiently to dispel most symptoms of depression. If, however, the depression is severe or long-term, it can prevent the intimacy necessary to produce an orgasm.

4. You will strengthen your body. Sexual intercourse requires a sequence of muscle contractions and movements for both men and women that provides a good source of exercise. Doing Kegel exercises, too, before and during sex can intensify orgasms and help to improve problems with incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

5. You will sleep better. Both men and women experience a drop in blood pressure after orgasm, though it occurs much faster in men. This drop, combined with the release of endorphins, is a great tranquilizer for people who have trouble falling asleep.

6. You will improve your sense of smell. Science has shown us the role that pheromones play in attraction and sexual chemistry. But did you know that new neurons develop in your brain’s smell center in response to the release of prolactin, one of orgasm’s hormones?

7. You will reduce your risk of heart attack. Numerous medical studies have found that having sex at least three times a week significantly lowers the risk of heart disease or a stroke. The combination of orgasm hormones and increased blood flow helps to keep the heart healthy.

8. You will lose weight. You’ve probably heard that you lose one pound of fat for every additional 3,500 calories that you burn. By most estimates, a half hour of sexual intercourse burns about 150 calories, and even more if you’re particularly vigorous in your lovemaking. So having sex three times a week may take off that pound of weight in just a couple of months.

9. You will relieve pain. When orgasms release oxytocin into your body, endorphins are secreted, and these natural opiates exercise an analgesic effect that is beneficial to reducing pain associated with arthritis, headaches, and other ailments.

10. You will live longer. Medical studies have accumulated impressive evidence that orgasm frequency is related to longevity. On average, people who have two or more orgasms a week have half the death rate of similarly aged people who experience orgasms only once a month.

Dr. Brian R. Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement are certified nutritionists, medical doctors, and health counselors who lecture on health, healing, and longevity before thousands each year. They live in West Palm Beach, FL. More information at www.hippocratesinst.org.