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The Dawn of Self-Empowerment
by Owen K Waters • Wimberly, TX


In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.

One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects.

With New Reality consciousness, order comes to society automatically because people are heart-centered. They simply don’t engage in actions that would be harmful to themselves or others because they unconditionally love all people, and would therefore do no harm to anyone. New Reality consciousness is one of responsible freedom. With it, people are self-empowered and fully consider the effects of all of their actions from a place within their hearts.

Heart-centered consciousness develops the flow of unconditional love. Once this flow is started, nothing in physical reality can affect it in a negative way. It is not altered or rationed by likes and dislikes, nor by emotions of any kind. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. It is an expression of the love of God, which exists in every part of the universe and flows through each one of us, if we but allow it.

Unconditional love is something that readily flows through your heart when you reach upwards above regular, day-to-day consciousness, open your heart and just allow the flow to come through. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, allowing, accepting and supporting. As a state of allowance, it is not something that you have to try to do; it just flows when you allow it to enter your heart. It will raise your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and open up an expanded vista of awareness.

Each time you allow unconditional love to flow, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality.


Owen K WatersOwen K Waters is a lifelong mystic who started his search for spiritual truths in 1963 when his interest was awakened by an out-of-body experience. In 2005 he wrote his first book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness. Shortly afterward, he was approached by an angelic being who revealed the answer to the longest-standing mystery in spiritual philosophy, namely WHY the universe was created. In 2015, he turned his attention to documenting his collection of realizations for the benefit of other spiritual seekers. His particular contribution is the presentation of the concise definitions and clear spiritual principles that have been revealed to him over the years. These enable other spiritual seekers to step forward with relative ease into a more enlightening and purposeful life in this bright new era. He writes a weekly newsletter at www.SpiritualDynamics.net.