After COVID-19. Then what? New attitudes and tools for dealing with uncertainty, impatience and a new normal
by Cheryl Melody Baskin

The ramifications of COVID-19 continue to be challenging even to the most flexible and patient among us. For those who believe that COVID-19 has never been “a hoax,” we wake up in the morning thinking, “Is COVID-19 finally over? Almost over? Could be over? Will be over? What is the CDC saying and not saying? What does anyone know for sure? What’s safe? Not safe? Can I travel? Can I believe in the vaccines, or are we just one big experiment? What do I believe? Not believe?

If you have thoughts like these, you are in good company. Uncertainty breeds unbridled anxiety. Impatience breeds impulsive decision-making. As an imperfectly perfect human being, intuitive life coach, author of four self-help books, and a “peace begins with me” educator, here are the user-friendly grounding tools I use to help me stay sane and centered – even when life is still feeling messy.

Breathe. Breathe for yourself and breathe for the healing of all humanity. When life still feels out of control and uncertain, (P.S. “When doesn’t it?”), return to basic tools for getting a grip again. Stop the world, place your feet firmly on the ground, uncross your arms, return to the present moment, put your hand on your heart, and breathe long, slow and deep breaths. Even one minute of stopping the world and mindfully breathing will make a difference.

The subtle space between each breath. Consciously become aware of the space between each inhale and exhale. With each new breath, focus on unclenching your jaw and teeth, relaxing your neck and shoulders, unfurling your eyebrows, and releasing negative thoughts. With every inhale, think the words, “deep peace, let go and trust.” With every exhale, think the words, “deep peace, let go and trust.”

If you want to change your life, change your words. When my husband suffered a heart attack several years ago, we designed a positive affirmation together. I have the strength and the will to get through this. During COVID-19, we turned to this affirmation again. Power words convey to our subconscious and conscious mind that we can get through anything and everything. We can reduce our worries and fears by what we tell ourselves. Write your power words down, say them aloud, sing them, visualize your life as if your new mantra is already true, and most of all, believe these new messages. And remember … practice makes perfect.

The healing vibration of thought transference. Without getting too “woo woo” about this concept, I am a grounded advocate for the healing power of thought transference. When we activate the power of the mind and heart, vibrations of healing, strength and love are sent telepathically to those in emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual stress. The prayer I say every morning and every evening is “The Metta Meditation Prayer of Loving-Kindness:”

May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful and at ease.

May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease.

May we be happy. May we be well. May we be safe. May we be peaceful and at ease.

What did I learn about myself during COVID-19? What is the take-away? I am the founder and moderator of a large Facebook community called, “Shift of Heart,” and when I asked this question to the members, Mary-Jane wrote: “Perhaps one of the biggest gifts of the pandemic has been the fact that my life has slowed down and I take time for the small things … savor the taste, consider the words, enjoy the aroma, reflect on the beauty, live with intention. It’s worth reminding myself of the beauty of stillness.”

Journaling. Think about your life during COVID-19. What did you learn? What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know before the pandemic? What new awareness and qualities do you want to carry into the “new normal?” What new attitudes and actions? Write down your thoughts and feelings and release anything that has been stirring inside you. As you think about the past year, begin to form positive visions for yourself and your life.

After the pandemic. Despite the urge to charge into the world full steam ahead, try to keep life even more simple than it was before the pandemic. Discern when to say no, and when to say yes; whom you want to be with, and whom you don’t; what errands are necessary, and when you need time-out for simply “being,” rather than doing. You’ve been through so much trauma. Give yourself compassion and love. Offer others these qualities, too.

We have been through the unimaginable, and it’s still not over. Use healing tools that can help you regain certainty in a world of uncertainty and patience when you want to burst out into the world with no filter. Above all, keep faith and remember that we can only control what we can control. Stay the course and keep your heart open and your eyes up towards the light of hope. It is never too late to notice the silver lining from difficult experiences. It is never too late to step into a new purpose, mission and dream for yourself and for the world. Little by little, we will get there.

Cheryl Melody Baskin is an author, playwright, peace educator, intuitive life coach, musician, motivational speaker, and sound healer. Her books and plays include Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good, Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams – No Matter What, Shift of Heart: Paths to Healing and Love, and Peace Begins with You and Me – A Musical Play with Life-Changing Messages for Every Generation. As a musician, she is a performing artist and has nine award-winning albums with positive messages for both adults and children. “Melody”is also the founder, moderator, and intuitive life coach of “Shift of Heart,” a large and inclusive Facebook community of love, support and hope. She was recently honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from The Visioneers International Network.



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