Everything we do involves learning. To doubt that is to deny our purpose of existence. We exist to feel, to think, to anticipate and plan, to interpret and decide on consequential and non-consequential matters in our life. Our life has purpose because of the learning involved. We evolve as souls through our experiences, especially emotional, and hopefully remember what we’ve learned through successive lifetimes. We are tested again and again, on the same lessons, within a single lifetime, and through many lifetimes so that the learning sticks.
Learning is a basic tenet of living. As we grow as souls, we learn the basic necessities, most importantly, what it is like to live with other human beings in a microcosm of conflict and its opposite — relief from conflict. Through our associations with relatives and friends, co-workers and people on the street, we discern differences between us and them. Though they are not truly different from us at our core energy source, we notice differences in body type and temperament, intentions and actions. We notice words used to communicate and physical sensations that soothe or bother us, and we consider these differences carefully as our emotions direct us to. Taking in what is in our life and mulling it over, for better or for worse, is what we are supposed to do in this dimension. We are here to learn. To what end?
Let’s say, all that we do in this life doesn’t have purpose. What is our experience of life then? If we are lucky enough to be born to a mother who keeps us, or another surrogate mother who does, and we are lucky enough to go to school all the way through the secondary education level or at least most of the way, learning enough to read, write, apply math to manage money, and communicate our thoughts coherently and know references to cultural norms and folklore, what else is there to learn that is practical in its application? What else is there to achieve?
Cultural norms in many ways dictate what one should do next: work, get married, have children and babysit the grandchildren, retire, and hopefully grow old not too badly. What of the various and inevitable squabbles we get into during that journey that the culture we live in presents us? How do we make sense of the dynamics of relationships, the ones that go well, and the ones that don’t, if there isn’t a purpose in having them, other than an accident of fate? A life wherein learning happens only in the classroom and not after? What guides us to our best self? Religion? Charities? Support groups? Individual friendships?
I would argue that each of these organizations and the singular phenomenon of a close relationship has a transcendent quality to it—transcendent in the sense that the association feels larger than our own lives, important, purposeful—because it is. Being involved in such organizations and close relationships teaches us important lessons that our soul craves—to be a bigger person, a person with more skills: to discern and yet accept and ultimately embrace differences; to generate more positive feelings than negative; to be kinder to self and understanding of others’ foibles.
What if every interaction had something for us to learn? As souls in human form, we have opportunities every day to learn something, if only to wake up and decide to accept what is going on in the world as it is. What happens around us, not just to us, is purposeful. What we experience is specifically for our growth. What happens to others is specifically for their growth. We can feel called to act on behalf of others, as that is what we are to learn, or we can pray for resolution. The world is a stage upon which events are there for us to see, feel, adjudicate, rail against or react to in myriad other ways. In reacting, we learn something about ourselves and others.
We may find ourselves repeating the same emotional scenarios throughout our lives—the same betrayals, the same disappointments, the same mistreatment. This is the same math lesson, or reading lesson, or social relations lesson repeating for our benefit, as we are always in school, whether we are consciously aware of it or not, to our journey’s end. And then we take it up again in our next life, hopefully, with better skills to deal with them.
Annette Goggio, MPH holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in the health sciences. Her practice in energy medicine is based on the teachings of Dixie Yeterian and Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine. Ms. Goggio offers a suite of services including hands-on and distant healing, life counselling, and numerology. To learn more please visit: www.aquantummoment.com. Her recent book, Healing: A Conversation, provides readers with a framework for understanding life purpose and the education of the soul.
Wonderful! The entire world should know this!