When Fear Is Neutralized By Love …
by Owen Waters – Texas

lotus bud

Love, in its various forms, is the almighty drive that sends people to the extremes of human endeavor. This potent force which pervades the universe is part and parcel of the human experience, providing people with learning and evolution. It is the driving force behind all life in its journey back to the Oneness of all things.

There are many forms of love. There is the love of a mother for her baby. There is the love of a child for their parents. There is the camaraderie of people of like mind. There is the love shown by self-sacrifice in order to save others during a crisis.

All these are manifestations of the one love, the one energy that pervades all existence upon all frequencies of consciousness. The world is changing. It is transforming into a world of human dignity and poise, where one person is honored by all other people, where suffering has come to an end because people reach out with their hearts to serve humanity in any way they see fit.

It is a world of love that will blossom forth when fear comes to an end. When fear is transformed, people will not fight for resources, they will create ways to make sure there is enough of everything for everyone. When fear is transformed, people will not need to have power over others in order to feel more secure within themselves.

Fear is a mental energy. It circulates the globe within the mind belt of humankind. It can be transformed into love by the prayers and intentions of every spiritually-minded individual upon the face of the globe. When fear is neutralized by love, world peace will dawn. Sending your love energy out into the world is an act of transformation, and one with your name on it. When you are joined by millions of others in this dynamic act of transformation, we will have peace on earth.

Reprinted from Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment and Freedom of the Spirit by Owen Waters. Take the fast track to enlightenment!

Owen K WatersOwen Waters is also the author of Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise.   Infinitebeing.com






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