Currently Browsing: Change is Good

Quit Haunting Yourself
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

My friend Ashley got a job as a scare actor in a haunted house attraction for Halloween. She jumps out of a closet and yells, “Boo!”  Then people shriek and run away. Hearing this, I scratched my head, wondering why people pay to be scared. This dynamic goes far beyond a Halloween prank.  People pay […]


YOU ARE FOREVER by Ann Albers, and The Angels, Phoenix, AZ

Try for a moment to imagine an existence without end. All your goals now would be replaced with new ones… for eternity. All plans you make now will be fulfilled or replaced by others. All experiences you have would satisfy or not, and new desires would arise. All you have lost will be found. And […]


Pathways from Harmful Childhood Trauma to Hopeful Recovery
by Marc D Hauser


Albert was left at the entrance to an orphanage in Kenya when he was about 5 years old. He was mute, depressed, filthy, emaciated, and barely able to walk. Without a way to recount his autobiography, and with no family, he had no name, no birth date, no history. By the time I met him, […]


What is Stacked Time Theory and Why You Should Know About it
by Mike Ricksecker

Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory

Time doesn’t truly exist. Time is a human construct used to describe the reality in which we exist here on Earth, an illusion we’ve become immersed in within what we call the fourth dimension. Time has become such an integral part of our lives that we seldom question it anymore. We use it to wake […]


Choice is Key
by Kamla K. Kapur

We are our choices. – Jean Paul Sartre To empower ourselves in the new, unknown country of aging, which each of us navigates without a map, we need only begin with one assumption, one psychological/spiritual fact: the way we look at something transforms it. Psychology has long known what Quantum Physics makes evident: “Whatever it […]


In the Shadow of the Seasons, Create Yourself Anew
by Taylor Mari

Taylor Mari

The theatre of Autumn is upon us, ushering in new colors, a slower pace and the silent drift of leaves’ gentle descent back to our Mother, Earth. A cozy respite from the blooming activity of summer, September sets its fine stage. We spectate and reflect on natural cycles – both those of nature, and of […]


What You Get When You Don’t Get What You Want
by Stu Crum

AIM FOR THE UPRIGHTS The Intentional Playbook for Success in Faith, Family, and Business

When we don’t get what we want, it can be easy to feel discouraged, frustrated, and defeated. We may question our abilities or feel like we aren’t deserving of success. It’s important to remember that setbacks and failures are not a reflection of our worth or potential, but they provide valuable opportunities for growth and […]


On the Science & Spirit of Self-Empowerment: Rewriting Your Programs
by Bruce Lipton, PhD

lotus bud

Dr. Bruce Lipton, gave an electrifying workshop in NYC, on Saturday August 3, 2024 to a sold-out audience. The focus was the survival of humanity and the implications and transformation of early programming on our lives. Most people can agree that knowledge is power. But what I offer in my talks is knowledge of self […]


Who Will Win the Election
by Alan Cohen, Hawaii

lotus flower

It’s been a wild election year, and will likely continue to be so. Lots of people are fearful, distraught, and angry. The country appears to be divided into tribes, the rift between them growing deeper daily. Some marriages are tottering over political differences, and violence has broken out in certain sectors. I would like to […]


Cell Healing = Self-Healing
by Cathleen Beerkens

man sitting at beach

I have learned that each of us can do a great deal in our daily lives to promote self-healing. To heal, we must address all aspects of our being; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Healing is about connecting and re-connecting all of these aspects. Our bodies need to be cared for physically, yet we can […]