Every Little Thing …
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

everything we do well no matter how small adds to the total score

One day during gymnastics practice, I pulled my coach to the side and told her I wanted to quit the team. When she asked for my reason, I said, “Miss Smith, I am the worst person on it! All the other girls are better than me, and I can’t do any of the hard stuff because I’m just not flexible enough!” She put her hand on my shoulder and with temperate conviction said, “No. We need you on this team, Donna. You bring up the low scores and that helps us win!”

Her reasoning must have left a perplexed look on my face because she quickly went on to explain that just because my routine was easy, it wasn’t without merit. It was still judged and because I did an excellent job of getting it nearly perfect, it helped our team’s lower scores remain high and that was what contributed to everyone being able to come out winners.

Honestly, I don’t know how my fourteen-year-old, dyslexic brain was able to glean power out of that concept, but what a shift it made in my persona! Looking back, I can honestly say that verbal exchange sculpted my future view of the world, not to mention adding greatly to my lagging self-esteem.

Besides giving me a newfound awareness of wholeness—how my personal best will contribute to other’s triumphs—for years after, I never said no to a challenge. I figured that as long as I gave it my all and did my personal best, I was a success. My motto: “My only failure would be to never try!” And that mentality became such an intrinsic part of me, I rarely thought about it anymore… until now.

The here and now, the state of our world, our country… we are living in what is so difficult to describe but if I had to toss out some adjectives, I’ll start with crazy scary, chaotic, and beyond confusing, then go right to dichotomizing, dishonest, and distorted. Let’s face it, nothing feels real, much less genuine, and considering how we love-oriented humans are meant to live and behave, it would seem we are becoming completely disconnected from our spiritual gifts and our souls’ guidance.

I don’t know about you but my personal-best attitude is challenged every hour (or after every news flash and/or disturbing social media post, whichever comes first). Our country and world issues are coming in like rocks in an avalanche, creating the need to dig ourselves out of a ton of personal, as well as cumulative, emotional crap. And I am taking it upon myself to continue to pull up and out of it but as “Despair Mountain” crumbles more each day, I become weary. It’s harder and harder to believe in myself and have faith in the powers that be.

With almost everything becoming out of our control, including our lives, money, body, and destiny, we have to stop thinking and start knowing. We have to gain control of what we do have dominion over and that is ourselves.

When I allow myself to tap into it, my intuition tells me that hatred will not reign. My soul tells me things don’t have to be this way! There are many more of us in this country and the world who are willing, able, and desirous of sharing the best of ourselves. The problem is the negativity we are experiencing seems so vast and many don’t believe they have the potential to have even a tiny impact, let alone be able to move everyone in a better direction. How many of us feel empowered or gifted enough to do that? After all, we aren’t the Dali Lama or another Gandhi or MLK; we are not Mother Teresa! So, we—who seem just ordinary—how can we attempt to have an effect on conditions that seem so extra-ordinary?

This was a question I posed to myself and almost instantly heard Mrs. Smith’s eloquent anecdote in my head: “Everything we do well, no matter how small, adds to the total score.” So, if we were to try our personal best, we can bring up the whole, and that would be enough to overwhelm the negativity and bring more goodness to the world.

That would also allow us to get up in the morning energized instead of defeated! It would mean we start believing in our ability to create an uprising of love and positive forward movement. And it also means we would increase other people’s belief in themselves and their love as well; meaning, they will start to do the same.

Perhaps we cannot stop hate or evil from overtaking another human being’s persona, but we can render their hate and negative energy useless, within ourselves and in the environment around us. And it wouldn’t have to be a fight; there is no need to “conquer” them or the negative emotions and intentions. Instead, we just need to override our own minds and doubt. Love does the rest. It is like water flowing over dirt. It will just cleanse away anything less powerful than itself. Besides, we don’t want to fight; that would mean ego to ego warfare. Instead, we just need to allow for our light to shine and the darkness will not exist. How could it?

We absolutely can see and feel and know love, peace, respect, tolerance, and compassion. Everything we do, no matter how small an act of kindness, will push our numbers up! up! up! and affect the whole of us. We cannot lose if this is the direction we choose.

So, if we consider that being our best and doing our best is the most loving thing we can do, that adds to love’s score. If on any given day, deciding to overcome our ego rantings is the best we can do, that adds to love’s score. If acting lawful and caring about our actions and how we affect others is the best we can do, that adds to love’s total score!

Our daily mantra through this challenge, Every little thing I do adds up to the whole, which should prompt our daily question, “Do I want to add to a whole lotta crap or a whole lotta love?” Let’s start realizing, when it comes to spreading goodness, we are the spreaders… you and I.


Donna Martini is a wellness activist, speaker, cartoonist, and the author of two books, The Ten Commandments of Divorce and My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras. As an intuitive coach, she helps businesses, families, and individuals learn how to tap into their full potential through an energy technique she calls Positive Manipulation®. Her cartoon character, MantraMouse, uses simple drawings and phrases to help thousands of people come to understand their human complexities. Donna can be reached at donna@donnamartini.com

Follow her on https://www.facebook.com/donna.martini.7

Her website is mantramouse.com


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