It’s a new era.
A time when the craving for something different…more fulfilling, and meaningful is trumping everything.
It’s a pivotal moment that’s cultivating deeper conversations in classrooms, boardrooms, and even bedrooms – often fueled by a mom’s deeper desire for something Bigger…more Purposeful, and Impactful.
This deeper drive, is creating trends that reveal how moms are tapping into their infinite potential, and creating heart-filled, aligned lives for the first time ever.
They’re doing this by integrating the most important parts of their life into one powerful outlet.
The powerful outlet is Career.
Some are transforming their male inspired work force, while others create their very own heart-centered businesses.
Businesses that speak to every part of motherhood like never before in history.
We’re seeing that moms are starting new “concept” companies that they’re passionate about – conceived from their heart, which allows them to offer their unique gifts, and ultimately improving their customer’s lives somehow.
This mindful entrepreneurship is leading to success, which in turn inspires even more women to rise up and follow their own heart’s desire.
Statistics reveal that women are the “key drivers in new business creation,” reporting up to “1,200 new women owned businesses per day” – the vast majority being moms.
It gets better. These innovative, heart-driven businesses, breathed life into a new term. One that awakens something within us, that only seems to get louder and louder, as it calls on us to explore and connect with our own unique gifts, and share them with the collective.
The term is Mindful Mompreneurship.
The era of mompreneurship grows exponentially every day as moms are transforming their lives, and improving the lives of others. They report how they create their own rules; become their own boss; set their own schedule; deepen their relationships; create prosperity, and the best part is…that they can simultaneously make an impact.
This is a ground-breaking moment where moms finally discovered how to consciously weave together motherhood, partnership, activism, and career.
Looking back through history and the feminist movement, it becomes obvious that this is what we’ve always truly wanted. We never really fully integrated and aligned with the male paradigm that existed. We were ultimately exhausted by it’s polarity. The constant competition and juggling cost us a lot.
We experienced a rise in divorce, chronic autoimmune diseases, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and more. Families suffering as children’s stress increased, leading to a rise in suicide, depression, and drug addiction, to name a few.
Today, the infusion of our true feminine is allowing for a whole new paradigm – and as we get closer and closer to realizing what exactly that is, we naturally create a whole new playbook for the rising mom.
A new Playbook about what work, family, and prosperity looks like. And although we’re collectively authoring the rising mom’s playbook, it’s mompreneurship that is creating the structure and making it all possible. Each page affirming how we can do it all, and do it in a way that actually works, instead of burn us out. Realizing that we can do what we love, experience abundance, and even make a difference – all at once.
Through purpose-driven careers, we finally pave the way, and role model how “anything is possible” for our sons and daughters. The upcoming generation is most inspired by us – and they watch us closely. Now is the time to lead by example.
Are we showing them that life is a rushed grind, filled with inequality, and unfulfillment…or that it’s an extraordinary experience where we get to live as we dream? When you live as you dream, all parts of you begin to integrate. Instead of constantly shifting priorities, there’s a cohesiveness that brings your entire life together.
You’ll notice how your career fills your spirit, creating more joy in your life, making you a happier mom, and partner. Your thriving relationships in turn nourish and support your dream, motivating you to do even more.
Mompreneurship is the key that allows us to be an active and available parent and partner – while also being an active global citizen (as we offer our unique talents to others).We are no longer behind the scenes creating change.
We are the scene.
As Moms, we will NOT be contained. Now is our time to shine, create record-breaking income, and pay it forward. Heart-driven prosperity is what is going to touch the lives of families across our globe. Through meaningful careers, we’ve been tithing, and creating our own charities. We’ve been touching the lives of mothers on the other side of the world.
All this has created prosperity and happiness in a way that women never experienced until the era of mompreneurship. Positive Psychology describes happiness as “feeling a connection to something larger than yourself. When people are in service to something bigger, they describe their lives as filled with meaning.”
Now imagine what life would be like if you “served something bigger” and connecting to something larger than yourself by aligning with a career that you’re born to do; that fills your heart…that even makes an impact.
Do you find yourself wondering how you can contribute to the world through a meaningful, abundant career? Maybe you feel like there’s something only you have, but not exactly sure how to put it out there.
The truth is that deep down, you already know what that is. You know that you can make a positive influence in the world, and boost your career because of your sincere intention to help others rise.
Let that lead the way, and your unique offering will unleash. Your business and purpose will align. And with conscious, consistent action you will begin to enjoy a fully abundant life as a mompreneur. Follow your heart’s desire. Ignite the fire within you, and inspire those around you to light theirs…so that they too can follow through on what they’re meant to do.
Join us in writing this new playbook. Do what you Love. Make a Difference, and Live as you Dream.
It’s time to Rise…Together.
Maria Gavriel is a Certified Business Coach, Award Winning Author, Parent Advocate, and the voice behind She has been featured on NPR, Arianna Huffington’s Thrive, Yahoo! News, Magazines, Newspapers, as well as Expos and Summits, empowering purpose-driven women to create prosperity, as they make an impact. Maria enjoys helping women break down the barriers that have restricted their ability to create the conditions for their best and highest self to emerge, and experience the life they were meant for. Even more, she loves hiking and traveling with her family.