The Inevitability of Change
by Jeanmarie Wilson – Ronkonkoma, NY

Life can seem so tenuous; at any minute the bottom can fall out as we experience some type of adversity. There are not many of us that have not been through this; we are traveling along, living our lives, when we are hit with an event we do not want. This may be the loss of a job, death of a loved one, a major illness or financial disaster. All we know is, the life we took for granted and often complained about, now looks pretty good.

It is no wonder so many of us have pervasive feelings of anxiety and stress peppered with moments of relief and happiness. Our problem lies in the resistance of what life is guaranteed to bring all of us: change. We only want the change of our choosing yet, that is not our choice to make. Our bodies are vulnerable, our earth experiences regular catastrophes, our relationships change through choice or loss.  Life humbles us and lets us know that ultimately, we are not in charge; not in the way we prefer anyway.

Our souls love the wealth of experiences that prompt our growth. Yet, it is our ego’s resistance to the inevitability of change that creates our unhappiness, and it is reflected in the rigidity with which we frame our lives. If we seize the opportunity to take what we can from what we are dealt, to make the proverbial “lemonade from lemons”, we might find some relief. The time when life hands us that gut-wrenching experience and when those words seem insulting and nonsensical, is when we need to search this out the most. It is this time when we need to reach for trust in a plan greater than ours and this trust can be the foundation upon which we lay our fears, our anger, our confusion.

We have lost our connection with the truth of who we really are. When we move toward aligning with this true self, not the one made of skins and bones or the one defined by our relationship status or bank account or career title, we understand that within this connection, we find a sense of peace, joy and clarity, not built upon things that can be taken away. To find this connection, we have to unplug from the distractions of our ego and the busyness our world often demands.

Here, within this quiet connection, we realize that the tangible things we have placed our trust in are bound to disappoint. However, if we change our perspective pushing our fears aside to place our trust in what the Universe has planned, although not necessarily easier, it may be grander than we could ever dare to imagine.


Jeanmarie Wilson M.S. Ed. is a Reiki Practitioner, author of Parenting from Your Soul and retired High School Counselor.



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