Rested, Relaxed and Ready: My Daily Fatigue Reduction Schedule
by Danielle Pashko – New York City

Daily fatigue can be a significant challenge for individuals with immune-compromising illnesses such as Lyme disease or long COVID-19. In my personal journey with managing both of these illnesses, I have discovered some empowering strategies that work for me. If you also struggle with an immune-compromising illness or just struggle with daily stress, these lifestyle changes can help manage daily fatigue, boost energy levels, and improve your quality of life.

Optimizing Sleep: Restoring Vitality, Renewing Energy

Quality sleep is essential for combating fatigue and supporting overall health. Sleep is where the healing really begins. To start, establish a consistent sleep routine and create a sleep-friendly environment to help optimize your sleep. Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, free from blue light (from electronic devices) and at a comfortable temperature. Making sleep a priority, can optimize your body’s natural recovery process at the start of your day. I’m very strict about my bedtime and wake time and can feel an immediate difference in energy levels if I don’t achieve at least seven hours of sleep each night.

Compression Therapy: Enhancing Circulation and Energy Levels

Compression therapy involves the use of specially designed garments to apply gentle pressure to the limbs. This technique helps enhance blood circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate fatigue associated with immune-compromising illnesses. By promoting better blood flow, compression garments improve oxygenation and nutrient delivery to tissues while aiding in the removal of metabolic waste. I have found that the compression boots work the best for me and I spend about 30-40 minutes in them each morning.

Meditation and Prayer: Cultivating Inner Peace

Engaging in regular meditation or prayer can be highly beneficial for reducing daily fatigue and promoting a sense of calm. These practices offer an opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of daily life, quiet the mind, and restore energy levels. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment, observing thoughts and sensations without judgment, while prayer provides solace and connection to something greater than oneself. I typically pray during my compression boot therapy time in the morning. It’s a good combination of effective techniques to start my day and restore my energy in a positive way.

Practicing Yoga: Rejuvenating the Body and Mind

Regular practice of yoga can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and posture, while reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Additionally, yoga has been shown to boost energy levels, enhance immune function, and reduce inflammation. Depending on how I feel, sometimes I engage in a very gentle practice with only restorative movements. On days that I feel stronger I do more of a rigorous Vinyasa flow, which involves continuous or dynamic movements between yoga poses. After about 20 minutes of practicing yoga, I finish with breathing exercises.

Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Fueling Your Body for Energy

I never skip breakfast and I’m very conscious about what I’m putting into my body to fuel it for the day. As a holistic nutritionist, my top recommendation is to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, as it can play a vital role in reducing fatigue and supporting overall wellness. This is a simple, affordable nutrition plan that’s easy for anyone to follow. Focus on incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods that possess natural anti-inflammatory properties, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Minimize or eliminate processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats, as they can contribute to inflammation and exacerbate fatigue. Experiment with incorporating anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric and ginger into your meals, as they offer additional benefits.

Recognize that it is impossible to get all your nutrients from food, so incorporating dietary supplementation is crucial. Mushrooms, for example, are great for the immune system and are very anti-inflammatory, but I have to be careful with eating raw mushrooms because of my Lyme disease and sensitivities to mold. So instead I like to use a Shiitake-derived mushroom supplement called AHCC that has been clinically studied for both Lyme Disease and COVID-19. AHCC can be found in a variety of mushroom supplements and has more than 30 human clinical studies. Everyone is different and we all have different sensitivities to certain foods. There is no one diet that will work for everyone. Finding the right combination of anti-inflammatory foods and dietary supplements for you can be achieved by working with a registered dietitian, certified nutritionist or holistic nutritionist who can provide personalized guidance that best suits your needs.

Rested, Relaxed and Ready: My Fatigue Reduction Schedule

Once I’m nourished, stretched, focused and relaxed, then I start my day. When you are living with an immune-compromising illness as I do with both Lyme disease and long COVID-19, daily fatigue can significantly impact your quality of life. By incorporating lifestyle changes such as optimizing sleep, compression therapy, meditation and prayer, practicing yoga, and adopting an anti-inflammatory diet along with necessary dietary supplements, you can take proactive steps towards reducing fatigue, boosting energy levels, and promoting overall wellbeing. Always listen to your body, be patient with yourself, and celebrate progress along your journey to better health.


Danielle Pashko is an author, holistic nutrition expert, certified health coach and former yoga instructor. She earned her bachelor of science degree in holistic nutrition from The College of Natural Health and was certified as a health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Pashko develops weight loss and detoxification programs, as well as customized nutraceutical products, for prestigious doctors throughout NYC.






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