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Finding Truly Meaningful Gifts
by Ken Honda

 ‘Tis the season for buying holiday gifts for our loved ones! But instead of trying to find the perfect gift, how can we make this year’s gifts truly meaningful? Here are three tips for finding truly meaningful holiday gifts: 1) Choose Innate Value Over Perceived Value: Name brand bags, shoes, cars, and toys are all […]


by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

lotus bud

I struggle with serenity, the not having it as a state of being. I wake in the dark of night, uncomfortable in my bed, in physical pain, going over conversations I had during the day or heard on the TV that most probably are the cause of that pain. Though I know serenity is achievable […]


Apply Truth In Everything You Do Until It Becomes Wisdom
by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

lotus flower

As you walk the spiritual path, many truths will be revealed. This opens the mind to new possibilities and inspirations. Gathering mystical knowledge is exciting, but as the philosopher and mystic Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali so famously taught, “Knowledge without use is useless.” It’s essential to illuminate the mind, yet until you actually go through the […]


Whose Permission Do You Need?
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

I was coaching a woman who had been out of work for a while. Then she was offered a job she really liked. “I feel guilty because I am so excited about taking the job,” she told me. “My spiritual studies tell me I am not supposed to want things.” I told her, “It’s fine […]


A Celebration of Light
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

holiday lights

Your holidays are a celebration of Light in the darkness. The Christ child came during dark times of oppression, amid taxation, in a dark, cold cave, through a young, unwed mother. The lamp stayed miraculously lit after intense massacre, war, and turmoil when hope was desperately needed. The celebration of the solstice – the darkest […]


Revelations on Healing: What One Doctor Discovered Channeling Messages for His Patients
by Peter Wisch, M.D. – New York City

lotus bud

Maintaining and achieving good health might be perceived as obvious to some and obscure to others. Why are some blessed with well-being while others must struggle to be well? By means of channeling higher wisdom, the answer to that question is more straightforward than you might imagine. We are all endowed with unique constitutions at […]


How to Break Free from Anxiety & Make a Full Covid Burnout Recovery
by Brett Cotter

Have you ever wondered why it feels like the world’s gone crazy? I invite you to step back from the chaos and see things from a different perspective. We live on a spinning rock moving through space at 67,000mph, revolving around a ball of gas 109 times wider than Earth, in a solar system 36 […]


Don’t Buy into the Myth of Retirement
by George Jerjian – London, UK

Dare to Discover Your Purpose

It’s time to quit buying into the myth of “retirement”—and to buy into this instead. Ah, retirement. That long-awaited golden era of lazy lunches, rounds of golf, daily yoga and checking travel destinations off your bucket list. After decades of hard work, you’ll finally be living the dream. Right? Wrong. Sadly, retirement today isn’t the […]


Why Study Meaningful Coincidences?
by Bernard Beitman, MD – Charlottesville, VA

Meaningful Coincidences

When I ask myself why I’ve embarked on a mission to establish The Coincidence Project, the simplest answer is that coincidences are fascinating. They jolt us into an awareness of mysterious connections between ourselves and the world around us. Synchronicity and serendipity can offer opportunities. I am curious about how they work and what they […]


Primary Blocks to Your Intuitive Skills
by Tina Zion

Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

The blocks that I will discuss here are the primary ones that come up in all of my workshops and my private mentoring sessions. These are the most common struggles that I hear from people all over the world. These issues get in the way of people who yearn to do medical intuition but who […]