Talking Our Walk

Welcome to the February-March Winter/ “Relationships” Issue.

My New Year’s Resolution is pretty much the same every year — that is I resolve to NOT make any New Year’s Resolutions. Not because I think I’m beyond reproach; rather, once I realize a course correction is needed, putting it off until the turn of the calendar page means it’ll probably never happen. Know thyself.

Well, a week or so into 2022, I threw my annual non-resolution resolve out the window. I just so happened to have my own little “epiphany” around the time of the January 6th Epiphany (Christian Feast day).

I’ve made the in-home announcement; now I’m coming out: Going forward, I am no longer in the business of getting into other people’s business. That is to say, I will no longer offer any unsolicited health “advice.” Most who know me, know it’s not going to be easy. But I’m determined to resist the pull to persuade anyone regarding lifestyle choices. Sixty-three years in, I’m finally realizing that this has not been the most appropriate means to “making friends and positively influencing people.”

What brought about this “epiphany?” Well, I got to be on the receiving end of someone else’s “well-intentioned” advice — and I didn’t like it. In fact, I found it quite irksome. But it did get my attention— and material for this column.

Nothing earth shattering, and it was certainly not rude in any way, but … I really resented being told what not to eat. And therein lies the delicious irony: I’ve been on a clean vegan crusade for nearly 40 years. However, a visiting family member (ok, someone I actually co-raised), told Andrea and me that we shouldn’t be eating beans two days in a row. Something about too much starch. Wait, what? Geez, all this time we thought we were eating a whole food—complex carbohydrate, quality protein, high fiber. Organic beans prepared in our own home, mind you!

Now, I know there are many that view carbs as a “four-letter” word. But, one size does not necessarily fit all. Even though I’ve “bean” indulging myself all these years, I still fit into the same clothing size from when I was 25, and my energy level is generally good. So maybe beans are ok for me? But I promise you, I will not insist you eat or not eat beans, or any other food for that matter. Bottomline, I am grateful for this. I got the proverbial slap upside my head that was a long time coming. Better late than never!

In our lead article, Owen Waters explains How YOU Make the World a Better Place. Your higher-frequency thoughts have exponentially more influence than thoughts of a lower frequency…equivalent to hundreds of thousands of statistically average people… an incredible opportunity to make a very positive difference in the world.

Alan Cohen advises to Prepare for Your Greatest Good. When so many people are in fear and preparing for the worst, those who prepare for greater things can tilt the balance of destiny…and you dramatically increase the likelihood of the best coming about.

Now, I’m gonna go get me a big ol’ bowl of beans 🙂

Peace All-ways,

Neil & Andrea