We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves.
~ Lynn Hal
Welcome to the October / November Autumn Issue, where Change is Good: Transitions, Cycles, Death and Healing.
Let us first address a critical situation. This arrives courtesy of Alan Cohen, our regular contributor, and great friend to Creations Magazine, and us personally:
Many people have asked me what organization I would suggest for donations to support relief funds.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Aloha in Action www.alohainaction.com. This group is directed by two very dear friends of mine, native Hawaiians and spiritual teachers, who are daily going into the heart of the devastation and delivering money and services to those most in need. While some national relief organizations are taking 2-3 months to answer requests for help, Aloha in Action is on the spot now feeding people while they are hungry, helping them find shelter, and lifting their spirits. Every dollar you give will go directly to people who most need it, and your gift will achieve maximal results. All prayers will make a difference. Let us see the Mauians who lost love ones comforted, knowing that life is eternal, and those who lost homes, possessions, and jobs, finding direction and empowerment.
For those of you inclined to help and weren’t quite sure where to turn, or who to trust, Alan has made it easy. Incidentally, you can also read Alan’s latest article on page 7.
Getting back to this issue, I really love the quote up top. Seems most of us get this skewed. We don’t “change” as we age, so much as we grow into our true selves. We gradually reclaim our very essence that’s been with us since the day we were born, but nevertheless has been submerged under generational traumas and societal conditioning.
A short six months from collecting Social Security and Medicare, I am entering The Third Act. In our lead article, Milissa Castanza Seymour characterizes this stage of life as most full of potential. It drops away the expectations and responsibilities of time gone by and invites you to create and serve with the tools already honed and crafted … encouraging your soul to step out front and center, stripped of pretense, anxiety or “to do” lists. It’s a time to enjoy the freedom that comes with unstructured time and untethered desire. The world is now a place of wise exploration not duty.
I’m good with that — no need to send me this “invitation” twice 🙂
Peaceful changes to all,
Neil & Andrea