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Vibrant and Vigorous … for the Long-term!
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

Ask the unstoppable 66-year-old, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy how she remains vibrant, youthful, and vigorous, and she’ll tell you, “It takes work and discipline; it is a decision; it is a state of mind.” This family practice physician walks her wellness talk daily as the medical director of two integrative and functional medicine clinics in […]


A “Little” Story for ALL Times
by Ann Albers

lotus flower

My dear friends, we love you so very much. We’re going to tell you a little story, one most of you have heard. We are not sharing from any sort of religious perspective because in the heavens, we are all religions, and we are none. We are pure love, sharing only love, and this, dear […]


Steps to Eat More Mindfully
by Rajaa Azouqa

lotus flower

Connecting with our body is an innate quality. We often see young children leave food or ice cream on their plates and just walk away, with “I’m full.” But unfortunately, this natural connection weakens as we grow up, in part due to conditioning from guardians telling us to “finish our plate” or simply eating when […]


A Father, A Daughter, A Dream
by Patricia Bono – Scottsdale, AZ

It was a hot summer day and I had just finished riding my horse, bathing him, and putting him back in his stall. I went into the bathroom and looked in the small mirror over the sink. The face that stared back at me was covered with sweat and sooty grime. Time seemed to stand […]


OralDNA® Tests provide Early Detection for Oral Cancer

There has never been a more crucial time to take care of your oral health. Periodontal disease affects half of the nation’s population and oral cancer kills one person per hour 365 days a year in the United States. Research by National Institutes of Health shows that oral diseases are also strongly associated with several […]


by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

“Ridicruel” is what I call an opinion that is delivered with lambasting and name-calling because it is no longer thoughtful or heartfelt commentary. It’s just bullying and abuse. And when we engage in ridicruel, our goal is obviously not to share the best of ourselves. It is not to share wisdom, inspiration, knowledge, or information. […]


Hardship and Suffering Are Gifts In Disguise
by Annette Cravera Goggio


Nobody likes to suffer. It feels awful and makes us desperate for relief sometimes. Why wouldn’t we want to skip over our hardships so that we never had to suffer again? Why wouldn’t we want to spare our children and friends from devastating illness, heartbreak or failure of any sort? We wouldn’t. We want to […]


What is Most Important, is What You’re Doing at the Moment
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus flower

We all have many goals, some large, some small. Along with the goals come lists of what’s important to do. As we’re doing one thing, we’re often wondering whether we should be doing something else? Or, we only do what we’re doing half heartedly, thinking about what’s coming next down the road. Or what the […]


5G: A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life
by Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND, DD (Doctor of Divinity)

cell tower and brain waves

Dear People of the World, this scientific article outlining the potentially disastrous consequences of 5G and 20,000 satellites beaming 5G onto our planet, is to both inform you and also to ask each reader to take action by sharing this article with all your friends around the world with the intent of creating a tidal […]