Currently Browsing: carousel

Look for the Love
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

In a world that feeds you a steady stream of drama, you can be at peace. In a world where the news would make you think things are spiraling down by the moment, you can discern a greater truth – love is everywhere – present, emerging, expanding, and interacting in the most beautiful ways! It […]


Falling In Love With a Fantasy
by Brenda Shoshanna

Different facial expressions

(To Know Everything About A Person And Still Love Them, Is Love) It’s easy to fall in love with our dreams about who our partner is. In the beginning the dream feels wonderful and the beauty of who our partner is seems to reflect upon us. How wonderful we must be to have someone like […]


Getting to Know Your Inner Guidance System
by Ellen Meredith

Energy medicine is the practice of communicating with yourself using the language of energy. You are made of energy; your body communicates with itself using energy; and your actions and choices are fueled by energies as well. You are essentially a matrix of swirling, intertwining subtle forces, not the solid “thing” your mind perceives. The […]


5 Benefits of Raising Kids with Pets
by Kara Venus – New England

Harper and Her Dogs

There are so many benefits to raising fur babies alongside human babies. According to The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “A child who learns to care for an animal, and treat it kindly and patiently, may get invaluable training in learning to treat people the same way”. In addition, seventy percent of U.S. […]


Accessing Unity Consciousness
by Milissa Castanza Seymour – Bethpage, NY

head with question marks

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. ~Lao Tzu Here’s a brief Chopra meditation: Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” State the question a few times, then let it go. The answer will eventually come in your practice, without thought. Sit in […]


911 From Your Soul: Will You Answer the Call?
by Jeanine Thompson

Life is a spiritual journey. Every breath, every relationship, every joy and sorrow are calling you to remember who you really are, and to be and experience all that you came here for. Our discomforts, challenges, and even crises are invitations to free ourselves, expand our wings and rise into our highest expression—for ourselves, for […]


The Vital Importance of Inner Alignment
by Owen Waters

Many people in society today work at jobs they don’t like, and find themselves with little or no time for activities that increase the quality of their lives. Such people are being kept out of alignment with their inner selves. Traditionally, society has pressured people into conformity. Peer pressure to conform to an immediate social […]


When Will Life Stop Being Such a Struggle?
by Ann Albers & The Angels

So many times you ask us, “When will life stop being such a struggle?” Our answer, with great love, is always, “when you stop struggling with life.” Consider a stream. Unobstructed it flows smoothly, gracefully, swiftly, and powerfully. When it encounters an obstacle, such as a boulder that it cannot move, temporarily some of the […]


When They Go Low, You Go High by Alan Cohen

Relationships provide us with our greatest opportunities for spiritual growth. Some relationships bless us with love and joy, and others bring challenges that help us grow stronger and wiser. We can be grateful for everyone who comes our way, friend or apparent foe. Ultimately our foes are our friends because they teach us through important […]


Morning Rituals for the Soul
by Vish Chatterji

The Business Casual Yogi: Take Charge of Your Body, Mind & Career.

In the ancient system of yoga philosophy, there is a powerful concept known as Sadhana which is often translated as your daily practice. As with all Sanskrit words, there is much more complexity to Sadhana than just a practice. There are a few words embedded in Sadhana. Sadhaka is a student following a path towards […]