Currently Browsing: carousel

Yoga May Lower Your Risk of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
by Joseph Keon

person in seated yoga position

Although writings in the Rig Veda sacred texts link yoga’s origins to northern India some 5,000 years ago, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that interest in the exercise went mainstream in the United States. This ancient practice involves physical postures, or poses, regulated breathing, and concentration. Today, yoga classes are taught at over 7,000 […]


Turning Triggers Into Treasure
by Judy Wilkins-Smith

Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns

Content and trigger warnings, book bans, gender sensitivity, cancel culture. Even though most psychologists and social workers now agree that trigger warnings don’t work and “cognitive avoidance” (dodging sensitive topics) is counterproductive to emotional growth, the list of social hot potatoes and things we won’t or can’t look at grows longer by the day. Perhaps […]


You Are Meant to Focus on Kinder, More Harmonious Outcomes
by Ann Albers and The Angels

someone holding binoculars

You came to this earth eager. You came wanting to create. You came, not because you were flawed, not because you messed up in prior lives, not because you wanted to learn to be a better person, but rather because you wanted to embody, experience, and expand love – both within yourself and within the […]


The Miracle Way of Healing by Neil Douglas-Klotz

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus

How do we feel when we receive a diagnosis or are told about the “normal outcome” of a health problem we have? We tend to rely on statistics and experts and to discount anomalies. So anything out of the ordinary becomes a “miracle.” But what if we lived in a world where the “miracle” was […]


Reframing Your Words and Thoughts
by Maureen Sharphouse

Unhackable Soul: Rise Up, Feel Alive, and Live Well with Pain and Illness

The words you use have the power to either heal or harm you. They can make you feel better about yourself and help you own your place in the world—or they can act like restrictive chains around you and erode your soul and spirit. Let me share private extracts from one of my journals (dated […]


Light After Loss
by Ashley Davis Bush

Sitting on the couch across from me, Raquelle shared that it would be Henry’s birthday on Saturday. She and her family would be writing messages on balloons and sending them up to heaven, just as they did every year on his birthday. Henry died 22 years ago when he was 11 years old. He had […]


Why It’s Ok to Let Your Kids Quit Sports They’re Good At
by Kim Fairley – Ann Arbor, MI

Swimming for My Life

For so many families, kids’ sports bring a sense of pride, self-worth and accomplishment. They also foster dreams of making it big or receiving a college scholarship. This can make it extremely difficult for parents to accept it when kids want to quit their sport—especially when those kids are performing well and showing promise. But […]


How to Be the Creator of Your Best Life
by Mary Ann Robbat

Do you feel a pull, a call – to discover, create and experience more in your life? Perhaps it is more love, joy, purpose, or something you can’t even define? While you KNOW you want to live your life differently, somehow you can’t quite make it happen. You may be successful manifesting some of what […]


Family Now, Work Later: An Unconventional Approach to Happiness and Success
by Steve Cook

You’re young (or heck, even youngish) only once. And the same is true for your kids who are growing up before your eyes. Yet many of us spend our best years putting work ahead of spending quality time with our kids and nurturing the relationships that matter most. This tradeoff is part and parcel of […]


Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Making Money Until Your 30’s
by Eyal Danon

Don’t worry about pulling a big salary until your 30s. Seriously. Your life on Earth is a journey of self-discovery, and you are at this very moment navigating it at your own speed. You will reinvent yourself at five critical intervals. At times it may feel like you’re stuck, but you are not. You’re living […]