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Our Walk


You Are Part of an Exciting Time on the Planet
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

May 30, 2024

Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life. Resolve that you will give yourself permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in […]

tunnel leading out to tree surrounded by light

From No Way to New Way
by Alan Cohen Hawaii

May 30, 2024

I was coaching a young woman who had been dating a guy for a short time. “He told me not to phone or text him anymore. What do you think I should do?” “Why would you want to pursue a guy who doesn’t want to be with you?” I asked her. “Rejection is protection and […]

happy couple

Men and Relationships
by Joyce and Barry Vissell – Aptos, CA

May 30, 2024

Over the years of working with men and their relationships, not to mention my own 59-year relationship with Joyce, I have seen some central issues emerge. The last thing I want to do is generalize, saying that all men do this or feel that. However, I have seen certain tendencies which apply to many men. […]